D BRY IGN interview YES!


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
IGN: The last time I spoke with you, you hadn’t even cashed in your Money in the Bank case yet to win the World Heavyweight Title. What have the past six months been like for you professionally?

Daniel Bryan: It’s been crazy. It’s been a lot of fun. I went from being a guy who was sparingly being used on television to being the World Heavyweight Champion and the focus of a lot of the storylines on Smackdown. And now I’m in a big match for the WWE Championship on a Pay-Per-View and it’s unreal.

IGN Talks to Stephanie McMahon About RAW Expanding to 3 Hours

IGN: Those of us who anticipated you becoming a World Champion in the WWE expected you to be having matches with guys like CM Punk. Guys similar to your stature. Did you ever think that your very first championship feuds would be against guys like Big Show and Mark Henry?

Bryan: No, I never thought that if I was going to be the champion in the WWE that those would be my first opponents. My first feuds. Especially because I also felt like I didn’t match up very well with those guys. But then it seems to me that both of those feuds went very well. And I was thrilled to wrestle those guys because it forces me to go outside my usual box. You know, I could go out there and wrestle CM Punk and have a fantastic match, but that’s along my normal line of thinking. Wrestling someone like Big Show requires a totally different style. And for me that was fun.


From WWE.com, the Anaconda Vice vs. The Yes! Lock.

IGN: Will we see the “Code of Honor” this Sunday?

Bryan: I suspect not. It’s interesting because in our first match in the WWE against each other, on Monday Night RAW – it was a Champion vs. Champion match – and we did it. We shook hands before the match. And for some reason, I don’t think that’s going to happen on Sunday.

IGN: Are you yourself surprised, given your indie history and legacy, that you’re now a part of a major high-profile relationship storyline with AJ?

Bryan: [laughs] Definitely. And you know what’s funny is that I feel like – not since I started with WWE, but since I got fired and then brought back - they had this storyline with me and the Bellas. Then it was me and Gail Kim. And now it’s me and AJ. It seems like I’m always in these stories with these Divas. And I don’t know what the deal is. Maybe they just see me as someone who’d be funny to pair up with them. Like “Yeah, it would be funny to put him with the Divas.” But I really have no idea.

IGN: It seems though, that in your story AJ, you’ve been able to move past that nerd-persona that they gave you. Would you agree?

Bryan: Yeah, I do. But I think the origin of me and AJ was part of the whole nerd persona. The idea that we were both nerds. Because it started before I was the World Heavyweight Champion and they just started throwing these little thing at me and her backstage and we were supposed to be really awkward. So the idea still started with “Oh, he’s a nerd.” But now it’s evolved into something that’s way better.


Daniel Bryan, playing mind games with AJ.

IGN: How long have you been a vegan?

Bryan: Since December of 2009.

IGN: Did you ever think that being a vegan would draw this much heat from large crowds?

Bryan: No, I didn’t know actually. And I do it for health reasons, you know. Not for entertainment reasons or anything else. So for me it wasn’t even an issue of bringing it up on TV. Other than “Oh, that’s an interesting fact about this guy.” And the idea that you can tell people you’re a vegan and get everyone to go “BOOOO!” is crazy. It’s interesting because the first experience I had with that wasn’t even with the crowd but it was with Vince himself. And Chris Jericho loves telling me this story about how he had gone back to Vince and said “This guy’s good.” It was after the first match I had on TV, and it was against Chris, and he told Vince I was good. “He can get the people behind him,” he said. And Vince said [in Vince voice] “Yeah, but who doesn’t eat steak?” He thought people wouldn’t buy into a guy who didn’t eat steak. And that’s when I kind of realized that there are a lot of people out there who just think it’s completely foreign for me to not eat animals.


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
IGN: You didn’t just tell people you were a vegan though. In your promos, you actually denounced meat. Given how much trouble Oprah got into by denouncing meat on her own show with the meat lobby and food libel laws, did anyone ever think you’d get in trouble?

Bryan: No, and actually I look forward to getting into trouble with the meat lobbyists. If they want to come in and talk to me about how they’re treating animals, then I welcome it. Especially all those cows that are pumped full of hormones. I have no problem talking to them. But also, on the flip side of that, I know that human beings are omnivores. I have no problem with people eating meat. I would just like it, for the people who do eat meat, for the animals to be treated better. To be treated humanely. Cows in pastures living the life that their supposed to live. I have no problem with that. But when chickens spend their whole lives crammed in cages, just one on top of the other, spending their whole life getting pooped on by chickens that are on top of them - that’s a horrible existence. But I felt this way before I was vegan. So that might ruffle some feathers too.

IGN: This Sunday, in your match with CM Punk, and given your history with him, will the WWE audience get to see some moves they might not have seen before?

Bryan: Oh yeah. I would expect that there will be moves that the WWE audience hasn’t seen before. And I hope that there is. I want it to be more than standard-fare. I think it’s going to be something that people aren’t used to seeing. And something that people will get excited about. Something that’s really fun to watch and engaging and hard-hitting. The kind of match that, when you buy a Pay-Per-View, that’s the kind of match you want to see.


YES! x 3

IGN: I had the pleasure of actually being at WrestleMania this year. And the “YES!” chants started up before the show even went on the air. Did you know that? Or did anyone tell you that?

Bryan: No. And actually, I didn’t hear them. I mean that arena was so big that it kind of got drowned out. And nobody said anything to me about it. And so if they were aware of it, I didn’t know. But I definitely was aware of it the next night at the American Airlines Arena. That could be heard the whole show.

IGN: They kept chanting it after your match too and it seemed like, because you had such a non-match at ‘Mania, it set the crowd off even more.

Bryan: I feel like that when they kept doing it that it was almost a form off dissent. You know, it was like “We don’t like this. We don’t agree with this. YES! YES! YES!”

IGN: Other wrestlers seem to be trying to co-opt the “YES!” chants nowadays. How do you feel about that?

Bryan: I don’t mind it if it starts organically. Like if the crowd just started chanting it. It only bothers me when people start it up on purpose. For example, leading into the Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View, Sheamus would do promos and chant “YES!” And that’s taking something that I created and trying to use it to get yourself cheered, or get in good with the fans. And I feel like that waters it down. Because the last thing you want something to do when it’s hot is to get watered down.

IGN: How did the “YES” chant start? Where did you get the idea?

Bryan: It’s originally from the MMA fighter Diego Sanchez. It was after I had won the World Heavyweight Championship and they just said “When you go to the ring we want you to be very excited.” And so he would come to the ring going “Yes, yes yes”- just pumping himself up. I did it in more of an obnoxious way, just acting like I was the happiest human alive. Pointing my fingers in the air like a jerk. And, to be honest, it’s just fun to do.

Kliq approved.


Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
So that's why he's incorporated it into all of his promos, shirts, and finisher to keep it organic and from getting watered down. :stopitslime:

Alexander The Great

I ain't gonna say this sh*t again
Apr 30, 2012
he's right about the Sheamus thing, wack that he's trying to siphon off heat from Bryan by stealing his catch phrase. what a kliq...I mean dikk move.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Nah, just pointing out hypocrisy you guys are willing to ignore in pursuit of a spot on Bryan's balls.

The gimmick was watered down when Bryan cut a babyface promo telling people to buy the shirt the RAW after WM. He already sold out.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oh, and he didn't create it, he just copied it and tweaked it, a difference. Hopefully Bryan is splitting those shirt sales with Sanchez.