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How to Go to the Gym Without Being a Creep
Recently, we had a thread about a guy who completely violated gym etiquette—he was using the power rack for pull-ups while a young woman was performing back squats. He was basically about to straddle his dikk on her ass while she was trying to lift. This is a big no-no.Some of my favorite reactions:
he was wilding. the fukk
You don't just start doing pullups on a rack when someone's in it.
Anyone would get annoyed at that.
Mad Goofass nıgga![]()
Usually these videos are just entitled women overreacting. but this was clearly a breh tripping this time. how you think straddling someone to do a pullup is okay?
Everyone ain't soft. You expect her to just say nothing while some clown got his nuts swinging all around her?![]()
Women need to feel comfortable at the gym, and everyone should be mindful of their space and behavior. I asked if I should make a guide.
Gym guide for how to not be a creep?should i make it?
Got some daps. So, I decided to put together a guide on how to go to the gym without being a creep.
Shout out @Givethanks @Kasgoinjail @O.T.I.S. @Remote and @Brolic for creating the original thread that inspired this guide
1. The 3-Second Rule

The 3-second rule is simple: if you're looking at someone or something for longer than 3 seconds, you're staring. The gym is filled with attractive, in-shape people, and it's natural to notice them. A quick glance is fine—if anything, it can be flattering if the other person finds you attractive. But staring? That’s different.
Unwanted stares can make women feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or even degraded while they’re just trying to work out. Even if she finds you attractive, excessive staring can make you seem thirsty and unconfident, which is an instant turn-off. So, if your gaze lasts longer than 3 seconds—cut it out.
2. Avoid Excessive Glancing

While staring is the most common mistake, excessive glancing isn’t much better. Constant 2-second glances add up, and she will notice. She might start wondering:
- "Why does this guy keep looking at me? I’m just trying to work out."
- "Am I doing this exercise wrong? Is there something on my clothes?"
- "Ugh, this creep keeps looking at me. Can’t he tell I’m not interested?"
3. Look for Reciprocated Body Language
Now you might be wondering, "If I can’t stare and I can’t glance too much, how will I know if she’s interested?"
The answer? Sometimes, you won’t. You can look for choosing signals—like eye contact, smiling, or her initiating conversation—but if you don’t get those signals, let it go. The gym is a place to work out first and foremost. It’s not a nightclub.
4. Be Mindful of People's Space
If a woman is working out, respect her space. For example, if she’s doing single-leg Romanian deadlifts, don’t stand directly behind her doing curls or lateral raises. It looks like you’re staring at her. Even if you’re not, she can’t see you the whole time, and it’s uncomfortable.
If you have to work out behind someone, be courteous and ask: “Hey, is it cool if I work out right here?” Simple.
5. Hygiene Matters

For everyone’s sake, shower before going to the gym—either that day or the night before if you work out early in the morning. And wear good deodorant. Nobody wants to lift next to someone who smells bad. Poor hygiene isn’t just gross—it makes you that guy nobody wants to be near.
6. Do Not Approach Women Mid-Set (or With Headphones In)

Look, I’m all for socializing at the gym, but do not interrupt a woman’s workout to ask for her number. The best time to approach her is when she’s arriving or leaving the gym. If you must, the next best time is between exercises when she’s moving between machines or resting.
Do not walk up mid-set. Do not tap her on the shoulder while she’s got headphones in. Imagine if you were mid-bench press, and someone came up to ask about your weekend plans—you’d want to throw the bar at them. It’s the same thing here.
If she’s taking a break between sets, keeps making eye contact, and gives you that "come talk to me" look? Go for it. Otherwise, let her train in peace.
7. Keep Your Hands to Yourself

This should go without saying, but seriously—no unwanted body contact. If you need to get her attention, just say “Hey” or “Excuse me.” If she has headphones in, wave or use a hand gesture to signal that you need her attention.
Do not be an idiot and grab her arm, shoulder, or anything else—especially not her waist or any other inappropriate area. Some women are fine with a light tap on the shoulder, but many aren’t. If you don’t know her personally, play it safe and avoid physical contact altogether.
If you’re showing her how to do an exercise or spotting her during a lift, only touch in a way that’s appropriate for the activity—and only if it’s necessary. Unless she specifically asks, there is absolutely no reason for you to be grabbing her waist or “cupping” anything while spotting a squat attempt. LOL.
That said… if she asks? Hey, you might just be him. Enjoy it.

AND Lastly
I don’t care how attractive she is—do not follow her around the gym.- DO NOT hop on the machine next to her just to pretend you're working out.
- DO NOT set up in front of a mirror doing random exercises that aren’t even part of your workout just to sneak glances.
- DO NOT figure out her gym schedule and start showing up at the same time, hoping to "accidentally" run into her.
Hopefully, this helps and we all can enjoy the shared space that is the gym together without being a creep while still admiring the work
