Drew McIntyre syndrome![]()
Dont compare the 2 ever again. Drew was never believable with that corny look and no one wants to hear him speak that boring ass pre written promo with no emotion and shyt accent.
Drews theme was piff but that intro drug on too long for a guy who never got any reaction.
Curts theme isstatus and his look can get him that IC strap and a meaningful feud
Download Perfection Remix (Curtis Axel).mp3 from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way
You're welcome.
And here's another variation of Perfect's song:
Download WWE Curtis Axel Theme Song .mp3 from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way
He will always be McGillicutty![]()
Drew McIntyre syndrome![]()
Nah, he's showing potential now, he's not a generic guy anymore. ...though he does need a new moveset though. Like replace his finisher with a fisherman variant, like a fisherman driver, or something more main eventish.
fukk that, just let him do his daddy's Perfect Plex as his finisher and have the peopleof old-school vibes. had they let Ted DiBiase Jr use the Million Dollar Dream as his finisher and use his two variations of Dream Street as signatures he would get "
That's My Million Dollar Champion!" instead of "
This nikka can't be DiBiase's son, swag levels are too low!"
But that would be unoriginal and it would seem like a rehash, he needs to have an original moveset, otherwise, it would be like a clone of the original.