God Emperor of SOHH
Culture of Cheating Permeates Air Force Missile Corps
Top military officials were quick to voice outrage over revelations last week that 34 officers responsible for launching the nation’s nuclear missiles cheated on monthly proficiency tests, but few expressed surprise.
Cheating has been a fact of life among America’s nuclear launch officers for decades, crew members and instructors said. “When I saw that they got something wrong, I would say, ‘Go back and look at No. 5 again,’ ” said Brian Weeden, a former launch officer at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana who said that he routinely asked new crew members to show him their test answers before they turned them in.
The same help, he said, was offered to him by his instructors when he first began a tour of duty in which officers are expected to score 100 percent on the monthly written tests, and anything below 90 percent is a failing grade.
Air Force officials insist that regardless of the cheating, there is no potential for a nuclear mistake because several backup procedures are in place. For their part, missile launch crew members say they do know the test material — which includes how to handle nuclear launch codes — but argue that the grading standards are unreasonably high.
Whoever is right, the cheating scandal comes as the nation’s missile launch officers, known as missileers, are caught in a vicious cycle. They work with the lethal jewels of the nation’s arsenal, for which errors can be catastrophic, but they find themselves forgotten on the sidelines, overshadowed by combat and Special Operations forces central to the marquee mission of fighting terrorism. No one wants a nuclear conflict, but many launch officers see their lot as spending a lifetime waiting for a war that will never come.
“The nuclear deterrent mission has lost much of its status in the Air Force as the Cold War ended, and many of the personnel on the mission are demoralized,” said Loren B. Thompson, the head of the Lexington Institute, a research organization.
Former missileers say the cheating is also driven by what they say are onerous consequences for failing the tests, including additional time on “alert” in the isolated, cramped underground capsules from which the missiles are launched. In the language of diplomacy, they say there are few carrots for rewards and far more sticks for retribution.
“The sticks are so severe, the punishment for imperfection so great, that it encourages crew members to work together to ensure no one fails,” said Bruce Blair, a former missile launch officer and a co-founder of Global Zero, which advocates the elimination of nuclear weapons. Mr. Blair said he cheated on his proficiency tests, as did his fellow crew members.
Missile launch officers must also pass practical tests that include simulations of attacks on specific cities, and that are widely believed to be impervious to cheating.
One former missileer who left Malmstrom in 2010 said he believed that every officer there knew about the cheating and that 85 percent to 90 percent of them — himself included — cheated on the tests. “The penalty is so severe that everyone is freaked out,” he said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid repercussions. “It makes your life so much worse when you miss a question, and there are no real consequences to not knowing the answers, so people help each other out.”
Current and former missileers described a surreal circular dance in which crew members routinely cheated on the tests, got promoted to higher rank and then officially announced their zero tolerance of cheating, all while looking the other way.
“The colonels, they all did the exact same thing we did,” said one captain, who left Malmstrom in 2011 after four years there, and who said he routinely cheated. He also asked that his name not be used for fear of reprisal from the Air Force. “Then they put on a facade that they had to do the right thing now. But everyone knew.”
Last week, the Air Force said that the 34 suspended launch officers, all at Malmstrom, either knew about or took part in the texting of answers to the tests. Air Force officials ordered all missile launch officers to retake the test, and said that by Friday nearly 500 had done so, with an overall pass rate of 95.6 percent.
Maj. Gen. Jack Weinstein, commander of the Twentieth Air Force, Air Force Global Strike Command, said the breadth of the cheating at Malmstrom — the 34 officers represent 17 percent of the Malmstrom launch crew — “shocked” him. A former missileer himself, he said he had never cheated or witnessed cheating.
I hope the Times follows through on this excellent reporting in great depth. In the context described of moral vacuity and total fear of...
The special weapons culture has surely changed when I was in the program in the 1980s. We took our responsibility and duty very seriously....
“I’m not saying that people did not complete a test and then tell others, be careful of this question or that question,” General Weinstein said. “But to the extent of full answer sheets being passed around, I’ve never seen that before.”
Many military officials believe that demoralization may have led to a spate of recent mishaps among Air Force nuclear missile officers. In the past year, a general who oversaw nuclear weapons was dismissed for drunken antics during an official trip to Moscow, 17 officers assigned to stand watch over nuclear-tipped Minuteman missiles were removed for violating safety codes and having bad attitudes, and missileers with nuclear launch authority were caught napping with the blast door open — a violation of security regulations meant to prevent terrorists or other intruders from entering the underground command post and compromising secret launch codes.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel flew to Wyoming and Nebraska on Jan. 9 to reassure disheartened missileers that what he called their lonely work was still valued. It was the first visit to missile crew members by a Pentagon chief since 1982.
“They are stuck out in the areas where not a lot of attention is paid, and I know they wonder more than occasionally if anyone is paying attention,” Mr. Hagel told reporters.
But on the day of his trip, another scandal erupted as investigators reported that several missile launch officers had been implicated in an investigation into illegal drugs. That inquiry eventually widened to include the cheating scandal at Malmstrom.
Mr. Weeden, the former launch officer at Malmstrom, who is no longer in the Air Force, summed up the view of many missileers as he recalled the events of Sept. 11, 2001. For four days, he stayed in the underground capsule, watching the images on television and reeling from the attacks.
It changed the way he thought about his job, he said, by driving home the fact that nuclear weapons are no longer the centerpiece of national security.
“We couldn’t do anything,” Mr. Weeden said. “The mantra had always been that the nuclear deterrent would keep America safe. But it didn’t. So I felt, not only did we fail to deter those attacks, but we couldn’t do anything about it after.”