Cryamore (Created by a Black Game Developer)

May 10, 2012

This is an action-adventure game (with a few role playing elements), to be released on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, OUYA, Wii U, PS3, and Xbox 360! It takes the best facets out of yesteryear's gaming, like inventive puzzles, well-balanced action gameplay, quirky story, hand-drawn backgrounds, and gorgeous pixel art, and blends it in not only just one yummy nostalgia cake, but a classically fresh take on the genre. Imagine the barebones gameplay of Zelda, mixed with atmospheric elements from Metroid, action done in the style of Secret of Mana, the excitement of figuring out what element to use like Megaman, hand-drawn storybook backdrops like Legend of Mana, with comedic tones and a thriving in-game clock system like Brave Fencer Musashi; that's Cryamore in a nutshell.

There was a Kickstarter for the game:

Cryamore: Official Site | NostalgiCO
Cryamore Development Blog
Esmyrelda Maximus (@Cryamore) on Twitter
Robaato on DeviantArt
ロバート (@RobaatoX) on Twitter
Robaato (@robaatox) • Instagram photos and videos

End of Time
JC (@Overlord_JC) on Twitter

Last edited:
May 10, 2012
February 10th, 2015 at 1:16AM
Cryamonday #4: Revamping Environments
Hey Cryatists!

Very short Cryamonday update today, but we just wanted to show you that the environments are going through some fantastic kinds of metamorphosis:



It’s pretty obvious to say that we’re out of the placeholder period and into the polished. We have been reworking environments, making them more cohesive and atmospheric, less-ugly, and streamlining the production of them. Since the Overworld and Ghilcrest are the largest areas in the game, we have to build scenes in Photoshop using prepainted props & assets and blend parts & sections together so that it’s not jarring, overlapped props on top of each other. We then flatten the scenes and accompanying overlaid textures and toss them in Unity.



The Overworld and Ghilcrest aren’t the only areas where we follow this format. Most of the areas where there are consistent encounters with enemies and traversing between to the more set-piece-like areas incorporate this method as well. Building environments in this fashion is not at all a new concept, but it allows for faster and more efficient production. It was tricky figuring this method out in a way where it works and with the visuals we have in store for Cryamore, to pull off. But… we’re pulling it off!


We’ll talk more on environments later on! Until next Monday!
May 10, 2012
Cryamonday #6: Gameplay Refinements! And Stuff!

Happy Cryamonday, Cryatists! Let's talk about a lil' gameplay iteration tonight. It's a bit text'y:


Deseret, Sorbet, and Kaiser have been recently imported into the current sprite style!

We're still gunning it! But last week, we decided to take a breather from game building to refine a bit of the game mechanics. Things were set in stone for about a year now, and wanted to go back and take some fresh eyes on the game design. We don't want to be too long-winded on this update, so we'll just summarize a few key factors:

  • QUESTS AND PROGRESSION We initially had a lot of excess features in the game that contributed to, essentially, filler content in the end. We didn't want to pad the game with mundane quests and side-quests, so we cleaned it up and came up with more diverse and creative scenarios. We aim for the game to be moderately lengthy, but not at the cost of boring content!
  • ABILITIES As stated last week, we finished up wrapping up the ability changes. We ended up dropping our 81 abilities to 72, as the last set of abilities were redundant copies of another set that we could've primarily combined into one. This may seem like a drawback, but it's a plus as the ability selection is now even more solid than before, and there will definitely be a consistent use for each and every one of them for the duration of the game. We closed the threshold of allowing an ability to collect dust as much as possible. We now also have a general pattern for learning abilities with our ability tech creation system (something we're going to talk about further in detail in the coming weeks), and that also reduced the count of Cryamore Catalysts that you need to acquire in order to learn abilities from 180 to approximately 120 of them. Again, sounds like a drawback in text, but less is definitely more here.
  • STORY We are about to delve into writing core dialogue and events! We are taking time out each week to build the game's story and dialogue. Our aim is to craft the narrative into a somewhat procedural one, where beyond the main plot progression, you learn more about the game's deeper narrative through the events and non-playable characters. We want you to know the primary story once you play through it, but we also want to reward those who have attention to detail interesting tidbits regarding character backgrounds, the lore, and other fun segments.
We want to expound on these bits some more in the coming weeks to come, so be on the lookout on that.

RELEASE DATE So we are closing in on a new estimated release date, and once that is confirmed, we will announce it!

UPCOMING CONTESTS We are coming up with a cool couple of contests that we think will be pretty fun! More on that later, too!

NEW GAMEPLAY We're dishing out some of these new locales and dungeons in the build, so we will be showcasing more gameplay bits of them as we go along.

That's about it for today! Until next week!

~NostalgiCO Crew
May 10, 2012
Update #60

Sep 15 2015

Another Development Update and an Announcement!
Greetings, Cryatists! Sorry that we missed the second bus last month and early this one, but we wanted to make an announcement, amidst all this demo talk. This update is going to be pretty informational, but we'll try and keep it as brief as possible.

Current Developments!
So a lot has been whipped up since the last update. Let’s go down a really quick list really quick:


Pokey-poke! Bang-bang!
  • Weapons! They’re being tested accordingly. We have the Spear and Matchlock Pistols in the build right now and we’re tweaking them so they feel great in combat, and we’re going to be tossing in the Fists, Crossbow, and Axe next.

It's always angry.
  • Bosses! Our boss system is in and we’re testing boss patterns, sequences, and attacks. We’re essentially at a state where we can just drop in the boss sprite assets, set up the sequences, and tweak accordingly.

"Falcon... PAUNCCCCH?"
  • Gameplay! Right now we’re concentrating very hard on the core gameplay experience. Our test sessions have led to us agreeing that some aspects are kinda monotonous, specifically with the combat. Of course, we don’t have all of the abilities in so we may not be seeing the big picture here, which is going to be the main driving force of the gameplay. We want you to be able to slam a Rock Fist into a shielded enemy breaking its defenses while launching Wind blades towards another putting offensive pressure on you, and feeling really good. So you’re going to start seeing more ability play soon. We don’t want to share everything, of course, but you will definitely get a feel for the flow of gameplay in that upcoming demo.
So still a lot to do, but it’s safe to say that we’re sitting pretty good over here. We’re continuing to go over the entirety of the game and cut out anything that seems excessive and dull, and polish, polish, polish. There’s a lot of changes going on under the hood in reference to the quest aspect of the game, too. We don’t want too much backtracking, ultra-tedious puzzles, and an overwhelming amount of things to collect. We’ll comment more on the specifics of that in a later update, but for now we’ll just share a short video showcasing some of the “upgrades” since the last one.

(Please note that everything you see is all part of testing things out. So for example, when you see Bliss running the Inn, note that she’s technically not supposed to be there. This goes for animations and everything else.)

A Recap, and Looking Toward the Future
Let’s give a recap of development: In March 2013, we were funded, and development started full-on. It was a momentous occasion! One year later, in March 2014, we announced that we had to move the game’s targeted release date to “TBD”. This meant that we had to start watching our remaining financial resources carefully, since at that time we’d been in development for a full year, and we grossly miscalculated our completion date. Even though a few of us on the team shipped games before, this is our first commercial development outing collectively, so we were a bit too bright-eyed, to say the least. Around this time, we also were forced to cut back and work on the game part-time, as we only had a bit of funds left for development time, and the rest was reserved for reward fulfillment.

Some of the general public were not pleased that we had to change our release date, but the reality is, the ins and outs of indie game development are tricky to navigate. Balancing cost and scope, not to mention PR and production, we were able to keep afloat for almost two years off our initial funding... However, we knew we needed to do something before the funds ran out! As such, since May 2014, we have been maintaining correspondence with a fantastic publisher, one of which everyone on the core team has had a personal experience with for many years. They had initially reached out to us, in fact, and expressed interest in helping us finish the game, and as the courting process played out, we knew we had found our publisher:


As of this moment, we are thrilled to announce that NostalgiCO has partnered up with Atlus to ensure Cryamore will be released summer 2016, as previously stated a few months back.

What Does This Mean?

We’re sure you have a bevy of questions (we did too when we were first approached!), so let’s break it down. First, the perks:

  • Quality Assurance! It’s probably the biggest perk. We want Cryamore to be the best product it can be. Before they contacted us, we hadn’t even made plans for game-testing, and they had already proven to be very resourceful when it came to giving us feedback and suggestions on heavy build-testing and bug reporting. And they do it fast!
  • Marketing and PR! They will take care of all the important public news stuff, outside of what we share here on Kickstarter and our dev blog/Twitter account. This will help boost Cryamore's visibility, give the title access to more featured news portals and sites, and give us more time to focus on development!
  • Distribution! They’re already connected with Steam, GoG, and first-parties (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony), which alleviates a major burden from us!
It has been a blast working with them so far, and we look forward to wrapping this up with them! And now, let's try to deal with any concerns you might have:

  • “Oh no, does this mean that the game is getting gutted/losing original vision/will be taken over now!?” Not at all! We retain full control of our IP and the development process. The entire reason Atlus reached out to us in the first place was because they liked the property, not because they wanted to overhaul it! Rest assured, this is purely a publishing deal.
  • Platforms Will Change Though! Because we are now releasing in 2016, it was mutually agreed upon that we need to rethink our release platforms. As such, Cryamore will be released on PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PS4, and the Wii U. You will be free to switch your initial platform preference to whichever choice you like. Also, we are finding that the title is a bit too complex for touch devices, so the iOS and Android versions are likely to be cut from the initial release, so we can focus on the primary platforms.
  • "What is going to change about the project here on Kickstarter?" Nothing at all. We’re going to do our best to keep up and give you information involving the game’s development right here, as always.
  • “What about my rewards?” Everyone who backed the game for a specific reward (for example, the game itself) is still going to receive their reward! You will not have to pay again (unless you want to pay for another copy, which we wouldn’t mind). This also does not change anything regarding physical rewards, such as the art book, figurines, etc. DRM-free will still be an option, as well.
Why did we choose Atlus?

Well, we collectively feel that Cryamore fits right at home with Atlus’ core demographic, and Atlus felt this way too. As hinted previously, we have been fans of their catalog of games for decades, so it seems only natural to choose them. We’ve been contacted by many other publishers during the past 2 and a half years, but their enthusiasm and mutual respect made them feel like the right fit for our team.

Are we still considered “Indie"?

Very much so! They are not giving us an extra army of staff and a corporate-friendly coffee machine for our office break room (though a coffee machine would be nice… even a break room would be nice!). We are still working the same as we were; just back to full-time and without the headache of worrying about those publishing pitfalls that Atlus is better suited to handling for us! This benefits us just as much as it does you guys! Cryamore will, indeed, see the light of day!

In short, this has been and continues to be a thrilling experience, ups and downs included, with you guys here on Kickstarter, and we will continue to do our best to make the final version of Cryamore as good as it is in our heads and in your expectations. We thank you all so much for your continued support, your patience, and your faith in us. We promise that when the dust settles, it will all have been well worth the journey! And we want to thank Atlus for throwing in an extra helping hand!


(Also, Atlus will put up their own official statement at some point... We just couldn't resist sharing our excitement with our fans! Expect to hear a lot more about this partnership, from both parties!)

So That Demo…

We are going to polish the playable demo up further and release it in October. We’re sorry for continuing to push it back! We just want to make sure when you finish it, you’ll crave more of it.

And on that note, we shall get back to work. Until next time!

-NostalgiCO Crew



Feb 21, 2014
Duval County
Seems dope, looks like I missed this topic when you originally posted it :jbhmm:

I might check it out if it's a modernized LTTP which it seems to be