Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny review

Jun 24, 2012
Many have been waiting 16 years for a sequel to the 2000 classic but it seemed after many earlier scheduled attempts and cast changes, it finally arrived. Yuen Woo Ping stepped up as the director and it stars Donnie Yen and Michelle Yeoh who returns. The film falls flat compared to the 1st one and doesn't seem to bring that same essence or style to the screen. The scenery is beautiful but the cgi ruins alot of what is placed in front of us to enjoy. The fight scenes were mediocre at best, however the best fight scene is the ice fight between Donnie Yen and some young kat. Being a fan of Kung Fu movies and watching alot of Yuen Woo Ping films, I felt he held back or lack inspiration when he did the fight scenes even though there are a shyt load of fight scenes compared to the first one.

This film is mainly for westerners who can't read subtitles and don't understand or care about different fighting styles. It's a film to watch if you are bored on a Saturday night.