Crocodile Lion battle
Wildcasteron August 14, 2006 in
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A few weeks ago these game scouts came across this huge 14ft crocodile lying dead on the sand in the Chiredzi River water course. Of course they were very hesitant to approach this huge beast but after some time they realised it was dead.
On closer investigation they found the croc had what looked like bite wounds on its belly and around the neck....The lions wouldn’t have cared less for the leopard but the 14 ft monster was something to think about.
one case on record
where a family of lions managed to kill a crocodile a+family+of+lions+managed+to+kil l+a+crocodile%22Giant reptiles
Lions will kill and eat a crocodile and will also eat carrion, especially if it is
In some localities hungry lions not infrequently kill, and eat crocodiles, and it is interesting to record that the lion's method of attack is in the first instance to smash the skull.
Lions have been known to kill and eat crocodiles and to crack open tortoise shells. A charging lion can topple over the biggest giraffe. A group of lionscan bring down a full-grown hippopotamus.
These were evidently the work of a lion, and the reptile was all but dead." Downey's Africa. * "Lion have also been known to kill and eat crocodiles." Kenya Game 1954.
There are several instances of lions' killing adult crocodiles; one took place on an African game reserve in full view of a launch loaded with sightseers. In another, a crocodile attempted to steal a lion's kill and was itself slain by the big cats are+several+instances+of+lions%2 7+killing+adult+crocodiles%3B+on e+took+place%22
The Lions of Tsavo: Exploring the Legacy of Africa's
In 1977 in northern Kenya, Smithsonian paleobiologist Kay Behrensmeyer witnessed a lion with a newly
killed crocodile seven
feet long nessed+a+lion+with+a%22&tbm=bks& tbo=1
I almost walked into two
lions next to a carcass of a
largecrocodilethat they had killed the previous night q=%22large+crocodile%22+lion+%22 killed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB0Q6A EwAmoVChMI5aGrn9eVxgIVBmytCh2q6A I8#v=onepage&q=%22large%20crocod ile%22%20lion%20%22killed%22&f=f alse
Discoveries of a Crocodile Man"
There are documented
cases of large crocodiles being killed by lions" are+documented+cases+of+large+cr ocodiles+being+killed+by+lions%2 2
Lion kills croc
I have heard one reliable instance of a crocodile having been killed in such an encounter with lions
From Weil's Files by Robert I. Weil Kenya Jottings We just returned from a two-week safari through Kenya where we observed lions eating crocodiles,
Evidence of Asiatic lions have killed crocs
lion kills croc on the rufuji river
Lion kills large croc at Kirawira
凶猛狮子撕食鳄鱼大餐 - 猎奇论坛 - 铁血社区
Fresh killed corcodile:
“This croc thought it would try and steal the impala that the lions had killed near camp early one morning. After a lot of noise and a fight, the lions killed the croc and ate it too.”
An Island Hideaway Safari at Musango, Lake Kariba | Classic Safari Camps | Blog
it became evident that lions had killed both warthog and crocodile: q=%22long%22+crocodile+lion+%22d ead%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQt 52ywe_JAhWJuB4KHYIPC9kQ6AEIIjAB# v=onepage&q=%22long%22%20crocodi le%20lion%20%22dead%22&f=false
in fact, two young lions from the same group are now regularly dining on crocodiles that they've killed, says the luxury
resort. In the last two weeks the brothers have "dispatched" three large crocodiles measuring up to four metres.
But the lion also at times kills crocodiles, catching them while they are lying on the shore.
One morning we went outside the camp area, and there was a lion eating a crocodile!
As the sun rose over the plains of the Serengetti game park, some of the animals would wake up to a wonderful sunny morning, but sadly enough some would not. And among these the crocodile. It had been taken out by a team of 4 supposedly daring Pride known to take on the toughest in the Jungle. This was a first seen by the rangers. A special sight for the team