Where can I improve on this one? I was just experimenting with sounds and this just kinda came together. Don't spazz at the 2:20 mark tho
Where can I improve on this one? I was just experimenting with sounds and this just kinda came together. Don't spazz at the 2:20 mark tho
This is nice. You could add some velocity to the hats, so they sound more natural, and wont hit at the same volume every strike. The snare selection is dope, but because the snare doesn't have much weight it gets downed out by all the melodic elements, so if you want to keep that snare, I would turn down the melodic lines so that the drums pops through the mix. Great work!
Ah man no prob. I appreciate your service.I appreciate it. I'm trying to work on my mixing but never know how it sounds cuz I have tinnitus from Army shyt.
Learn to read the meters. Learn orchestral arrangement of instruments. All this Will help you with hearing since you battle that. I like this.
Also think about a drum set when doing drums. Your snare should pop or crack but have depth, your bass or kick drum should be heavy and boom but sweep under snare a bit, should carry and compliment one another.
Hi hats differ because cymbals change but you don’t want it overloading the track IE being main focus. You wanna tighten the hats up as well by cutting the length of the audio clip.
That’s the thing too ya mix gonna change every track. I think it should anyway for the most part. For me it’s all about experimentation, no point putting holds on your creation.I kept the kick drum light on purpose for this particular track. I was thinking more on the line of Think About Me from GKMC. I'll definitely keep that in mind though