Fast Money & Foreign Objects
5-Year-Old Boy Killed Sister With Gun Made For Kids
By Annie-Rose Strasser on May 2, 2013 at 11:00 am
On Tuesday, a five-year-old Kentucky boy accidentally shot and killed his two-year-old sister with a gun hed been given as a birthday present. The weapon, a small rifle, was manufactured specifically for childrens use.
The boys weapon was a My First Rifle .22-caliber gun from Keystone Sporting Arms youth branch, Crickett. Cricketts website markets itself especially for youth shooters. The firearms come in several neon colors, and the website even has a kids corner featuring pictures of small children with guns:
Crickett does not manufacture bullets. The company offers books for Grades 2-3 and up, and says their guns are ideally sized for children four to ten years old.
The militarization of children has been tragically spotlighted in the aftermath of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut last December. Since then, the country has paid heart-sickening attention to the myriad accidental shootings that have taken place around the country, and the growth of a market of bulletproof childrens clothing.
In one week alone last month, four people were shot by toddlers.
absolutely breaks my heart