Names his newborn daughter Blush...
Like, lady... Dude is openly cheating on you by asking another woman out on live tv.
And you name your child after a pick up line he used on a possible side chick?
Get priorities brehs and brehettes...
After all the stories of death, it's nice to hear about new life...
Congrats to Chris Gayle and his "girlfriend"
Unabashed Gayle names baby daughter Blush
Like, lady... Dude is openly cheating on you by asking another woman out on live tv.
And you name your child after a pick up line he used on a possible side chick?
Get priorities brehs and brehettes...
After all the stories of death, it's nice to hear about new life...
Congrats to Chris Gayle and his "girlfriend"
Unabashed Gayle names baby daughter Blush