Creed III (Reviews)


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
The movie been out for three or four days now. Any reviews or opinions? I saw it last night. It was okay. One scene reminded you about the reason both fighters were moved ahead so quick, and able to get a title shot...something that never crossed my mind.

Maybe I could have enjoyed the movie a little better, if it weren't for the woman sitting on my left, which happened to be the last seat on the corner. I always try to get the seat on the corner, so if I have to go to the restroom, I'll be right next to the aisle. Anyway, she beat me to that seat. Btw, this was in their dolby theater, and her seat was actually reserved for the handicapped, as well as that single seat across from it, on the other side of the aisle. I saw that seat was occupied by a dude, but I didn't know they were together until a few minutes after I arrived. Anyway, the woman had the legs in the reclined position, and she acted like she didn't want to push the recline button in, to allow me space to get past her, even though she saw I was a big guy. Since the movie hadn't started yet, she knew more people were coming, especially since the movie was almost sold out. When I'm in the last seat on the end, like she was, I don't even set my seat in the reclining position until about 5 or 10 minutes into the movie. If I do put my seat in recline before the movie starts, I just push the recline button back in, and give the person room to get by me. They don't even need to say "excuse me". or anything. If they do say it, it's usually while I'm already in the process of moving the recline back in for them. And I may wound up having to do this several times, especially before the movie starts.

So anyway, she wasn't reclining her legs back, or even tryna physically move her legs back, and it was too dark to tell if there was enough room for me to squeeze by her feet. So after several seconds of standing there, I had to ask, "excuse me, can I get by?". I may have sounded a little impatient at this point, because she moved her seat back like she was a little startled. But she had no problem letting the other people through, who showed up soon after me. They did say excuse me first, but I could see she barely gave them time to say it, before she was already moving her legs back for them, like she should have done for me. I guess she wanted me to say excuse me first. When you're at the movies, faced with this situation, it shouldn't be a contest over who gives in first. That's not how I look at it. But again, it seemed like she wasn't tryna move her legs back for me, like she would have automatically done for a woman, or a group, or just about anybody else. I know I would have automatically reclined my legs back for her the minute I knew she needed to get by. She may have been tryna start some shyt...I don't know.

Then the dude who I said was in that single seat across from her, came over and whispered something in her ear, and went back. That's how I found out they were together. A few minutes later, I asked her why was her friend sitting way over there. Then she told me he was her son. So I said, "Oh, I thought he was your man, and I was about to give up my seat for him". Then she thanked me for considering it. But I was so turned off by her not letting me by, that instead of giving her a compliment, and telling her she looked young for her age, I joked and said, "You act like an old lady" I don't think she liked that, so I told her I was joking. Then at some point in the movie, she began to act a little disturbed, like she couldn't get comfortable. Maybe it was because I couldn't find my hat, and I kept patting my coat pockets, and both sides of my seat. But I had given up looking for my hat, which was about five minutes before she began acting uncomfortable. She was acting weird like that chick with the nice a** I wrote about, who ghosted me years ago after a movie. Anyway, since this woman was sitting in the handicapped seat, I was thinking she may have been handicapped. I sure didn't wanna holler at her, then watch her son have to help her down the steps. But when the movie was over, she bounced out her seat, and she and her son went on down stairs. The first thing I noticed was she didn't have much bottom at all. She may have had some type of surgery, and she wasn't able to pick up much weight from her waist down.

Maybe this was part of the reason she was acting so funny. But she did enjoy the movie. She got excited during some of those fight scenes, like a lot of women did. A lot of them were acting like the fight between Creed and Anderson was real, and not just a movie. Anyway, I'm not sure if this woman was physically ill, mentally ill, or just plain acting stubborn towards me because she had her big son there to back her up...which would have shown how poor her character and personality really was. If she was acting that way just because her son had her back, and if negative mindsets like that become a little too common at the movies, then I'll probably wound up dropping my A-List membership I just renewed, and go back to using Tuesday discounts, and avoid those larger weekend crowds.

But there was one positive thing about sitting beside that chick. We both had a large popcorn, and we both got down on eating our snack, kinda. I said kinda, because she was acting like she was a little scared she was gonna annoy me, pretending I was crazy. I was going extra easy on my popcorn too for a second. Then I got down, like I'm suppose to. Oh, I definitely had my large drink A few months ago at the movies, I wounded up beside this big brother, who had his girl on the other side of him. And he too, was acting sorta like he didn't wanna annoy me while eating his popcorn. I wanted to tell him to go ahead, and get down. It seems like we're the only ones scared to eat our popcorn at the movies. And that's probably because there's too many big weirdos making them feel uncomfortable, like the one who was sitting beside me when I went to see "NOPE" back in August.

I know this was long again, but would y'all rather I had spoiled the
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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
How about you actually review the fukking movie instead of bemoaning on and on about your musicial fukking chair shenanigans, fool.
Oh, during the movie, when I got up to get a drink refill, she did it again. She wouldn't move her legs back to give me room to get out. Then she did the same when I returned, again not giving me any room to get back to my seat. Ok, here's the review of the movie.
That's your review, bytch :camby:
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90-9-1 Principle
May 10, 2012
The Land of fukkery
I can't be the only one that thinks all these Creed movies are underwhelming af.... Not horrible movies but corny and no substance.... Gimme the OG Rocky movies any day!.... :wow:
Apr 3, 2014
Oh, during the movie, when I got up to get a drink refill, she did it again. She wouldn't move her legs back to give me room to get out. Then she did the same when I returned, again not giving me any room to get back to my seat. Ok, here's the review of the movie.
That's your review, bytch :camby:

Apr 3, 2014
I can't be the only one that thinks all these Creed movies are underwhelming af.... Not horrible movies but corny and no substance.... Gimme the OG Rocky movies any day!.... :wow:

I will admit that the Rocky movies do have more heart...

But I felt goosebumps in Creed 1 when he's fighting ole boy at the end and Creed doesn't think he can win and he comes back to his corner and Rocky tells him "They don't know what you been through! And they sure as hell don't know what WE been through!"

Most powerful moment of the movie cause after that, Adonis starts to believe that he really belongs in the ring with a champion.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Just for Majors I would prolly watch this a couple more times. If it's on cable or whatever.

So therefore I rate it 4/5.

The plot was slightly too convenient for me. Took me out of the experience for a minute. Like "there's no way".

But if you push past that, the action and visuals are very good.


May 25, 2022
I can't be the only one that thinks all these Creed movies are underwhelming af.... Not horrible movies but corny and no substance.... Gimme the OG Rocky movies any day!.... :wow:

The entire Rocky franchise is a series of white fantasy films for mediocre cacs to imagine themselves defeating Black boxers :mjpls:

That was originally started by Stallone specifically for that reason.

The Creed films meanwhile represent the story of a Black man with a gf and later a kid succeeding against significant odds.

Professor K.

rap game Paul Millsap
Sep 5, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I can't be the only one that thinks all these Creed movies are underwhelming af.... Not horrible movies but corny and no substance.... Gimme the OG Rocky movies any day!.... :wow:
I watched all 3 in the course of a week so I enjoyed them. I don't think I would've liked them as much if I had to wait 6-7 years for the whole story to play out :ld:
Jan 19, 2017
The entire Rocky franchise is a series of white fantasy films for mediocre cacs to imagine themselves defeating Black boxers :mjpls:

That was originally started by Stallone specifically for that reason.

The Creed films meanwhile represent the story of a Black man with a gf and later a kid succeeding against significant odds.

Rocky>Creed my brotha


May 25, 2022
Breh wanna act like a flick with a leading black character automatically scraps classic films on some Thanos snap shyt.... :mjlol:

Who said it does? I just don't get easily impressed by pro cac propaganda movies like you and others.

Because once you know that Stallone came up with the idea for the original movie because he saw Ali defeat some cac you know what kind of time Stallone is on and you understand what the message of those films happens to be.
