Create Your Own Movie Script That You Think Would Be Mad Successful! Include Cast.


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
Think of a script/story, describe the setting, story and cast where you think it would be a successful movie!
Here's mine:

Title - Neighbours

Ok so there are two houses that are in a town similar to the town in desperate housewives.
Life was great for the cobblepot family, a family of vindictive geeks, until new neighbours arrived.
The new neighours were of the same age as the parents of the cobblepots and were also geeks.
Then they hated each other always complaining about property and such and getting of each other's lawn and dog popping and everything.
And across the street was a very nice guy, and he was always playing mediator.

That's the story, doesn't sound funny?
Well here's why it'll be funny
The two neighbours that hate each other are Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell.
Adam sandler will act like he used to when he was funny and so will will Ferrell.
They will be screaming at other all the time with mad funny sh1t happening and they will argue over anything.

The mediator across the street is none other than Ben Stiller!

Movie would be awesome!!