Cowboys fans petition Obama to remove Jerry Jones


May 3, 2012

Cowboys fan petitions President Obama to remove Jerry Jones as owner | Larry Brown Sports

orget message boards and sports talk radio, White House petitions are the new creative outlet for fans looking to express their displeasure.

Taking a cue from Ohio State fans, a disgruntled Dallas Cowboys fan submitted a petition to the White House on Monday that asks President Obama to remove Jerry Jones as the team’s owner and GM.

“We, the Citizens of the Great State of Texas, and Dallas Cowboys fans worldwide, have been oppressed by an over controlling, delusional, oppressive dictator for way too long,” the petition states. “Request the Executive Branch’s immediate assistance in removal of owner and GM, Jerry Jones. His incompetence and ego have not only been an extreme disappointment for way too long, but moreover, it has caused extreme mental and emotional duress.”

The petition was created on Friday Nov. 23, the day after the Cowboys lost 38-31 to the Washington Redskins to drop to 5-6. It was pretty hilariously categorized as a “human rights” issue. 25,000 signatures are needed by Dec. 23 to reach the petition’s goal.

Since it will likely be removed by the White House website like this one, we snagged a screenshot of what it looks like:

The Cowboys are looking at potentially their third straight season without a winning record. Jones admitted earlier this month that he would have fired himself as the team’s GM.