This is complicated topic obviously, I will try to be brief, but will probably fail.
There are two causes of inflation, supply side and demand side. Supply is fueled by not enough products or services that cause prices to rise. Demand is too much money in the systtem that created too much demand and cause prices to rise.
We havent had supply side inflation since the great depression. And that wasn't because of too much money, it was because people lost faith the money was worth anything. The inflation in the 70s was because OPEC cut off the oil supply and you need oil to deliver everything and it slammed the breaks on the economy. Reagan gets credit for the recovery, but he didnt do shyt. Carter greenlit more domestic drilling and oil production, combined w OPEC opening things back up.
People are dumb and uneducated about inflation and even more so about how government spending and national debt works. It leads to fear mongering about spending. It just takes a little bit of time to think about to realize infrastructure spending isnt going to cause it to explode. Or that the temporary inflation we're experiencing right now isnt because of government spending. IT's supply chains still ramping up from being shut down. Things are catching up. Notice how no one bytches about lumber prices anymore? Theyre coming down, and lumber futures are coming way down. It will be the same for oil and gas. The cars might be an issue for a while tho.