Conscious & Unconscious Female Respect / Unwritten Rule


Lord Cuts
Dec 25, 2012
Curious about your opinions on the topic @Turk started about Unwritted Rules, but in focus of the Conscious & Unconscious Female Respect.

S/O @O Fenômeno
If you see a couple..Man/Woman

1.Leave them alone
2.If you must bother then and ask a question ALWAYS acknowledge the man and ask him first. Don't sidestep and ask the woman before the man on anything.

This rule almost made me slap a african guy in Japan. This guy tried to surpass me and ask my girlfriend in general about clubs while we were steady walking. Like one of those club promotor/scam guys.

Best believe if I didnt scold him right there and then, I would have never ever had a say again in a discussion/fight between me and my girl. Her natural urge as a woman to respect me as a man would fade easily. Natural attractiveness would decrease unconsciously. Might even broke the relationship there after 9 years :francis:.

The african guys friends were also watching him after I corrected him and we kept walking. He also tried to taunt from a distance after we kept it moving and I gave him that 3 second gaze.

I noticed their leader (6'8 in height) also caught the altercation and was standing in the middle of the road we were walking towards to. I kept my frame and walked with chest forward, chin up and looked into his eyes and he acknowledged me by headnodding. I didnt stop for a second and kept it pushing.

What was your situation where this specific Unwritted Rule came into play?
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