What other options did they really have though?"we dont negotiate with terro---uhhhh 5 mil? and you promise youll leave us alone?"
technology wasn’t the error, humans were the fukking error.
someone clicked on a phishing email... there is cyber awareness training SPECIFICALLY for that.
Most attacks are specifically human error
And they saw how quickly people went stupid just over gas.... it was dog eat dog at the fuel pumps. People hoarding gas in plastic bags and other stupid shyt.
5 million is chump change to end the chaos BUT this will entice more hackers to increase more attacks. But ransomware is increasing by the day. People are paying for their data everyday. Cryptocurrency makes it easier to do that too.
Not sure if people were aware of Babuk (sp?) stealing police records in from Washington police department of known informants and other info and they refused to pay. So they released it just this week.
Schools getting hit with ransomware, etc. people need more training and the risk of attacks need more mitigations but it’s just the beginning