Common Lies Against Black Men Disproven With Data & Statistics THREAD OF THE YEAR **MUST SEE!**


Jun 14, 2018
Where Kings Will Dream
For decades, many lies and misconceptions are about Black Men and the overall Black Male image has been allowed to reign to the point of being considered factual. Even with no statistics to account for it.

That shyt changes today. Hopefully this thread gets stickied. Daps and reps appreciated too :salute:

Lie: Most single Black Men have children
Fact: Most prime aged Black Men are single and childless:


Most single Black men do not have children while most single black women do. Depending on the city, the majority of single black mothers are being impregnated by the same subset of men.

Lie: Black Men do not want to marry a Black woman. Most Black Men who get married, are not married to a Black women either.
Fact: The majority of married Black Men are married to Black women.

In fact, 83% (i.e. the overwhelming majority) of Black Men earning $100K and over, marry Black women

Fact Check: 83 Percent Of Black Men Earning $100K Annual Income Marry Black Women

Analyzing the trend in data further, the higher income Black women attain, the more likely they will marry interracially. Black women’s supposed race loyalty decreases as they make more money, whereas this is usually the opposite for Black Men.
Lie II: Well ok... but Black Men who are married to Black women are those that are light skin.
Fact II: This is a myth. There is no valid data or statistics to account for the particular number of Black wives (married to Black Husbands) whom are light skin. Also, how is the shade of whether someone is dark skin, brown skin, or light skin being determined?

Lie: Most Black Men who have children are dead-beat fathers
Fact: Black Men are the most active and involved fathers out of all races of men

First of all, marriage rates don’t necessarily reflect the number of Black fathers living with their children; as writer Josh Levs points out, the majority of Black fathers do live with their kids, even if they’re not married to their partner...
... In a 2008 survey of low-income mothers, researchers found that “nonresident white fathers were less involved with their children than African-American and Latino fathers.” In a 2018 study of “nonmarital” births, mothers (regardless of race) reported that Black fathers “shared responsibilities more frequently and displayed more effective coparenting than Hispanic and White fathers.”
According to the CDC 58% of Black fathers live with one or more of their children and a even a larger majority (72.7%) of Black fathers talk with their children about things that happened during the day (several times a week or more) whether they live with their children or not.

Lie: The majority of Black Men are broke bums
Fact: At least 6 out 10 Black Men are in the middle class (or higher), with a consistent upwards trend as each decade elapses (since 1960), despite continuing to battle against racism, employment discrimination and systematic oppression.
Most black males reach the middle class or higher. Here's what drives their success

Lie: There are more Black Men in prison than in college
Fact: This is a myth

When documentary filmmaker Janks Morton and I first published our 2011 response to the claim that there were more black men in prison than in college, we refuted it by showing that there were about 1.3 million black men in college and 840,000 black men in prison. By 2015, the total number of black men in college was 1,437,363 and the total incarcerated was 745,660 (with less than 160,000 Black Men who were of typical college age i.e. 18-24 being incarcerated). Not only is “more black men in prison than college” false, it may lead to bad policy and practice for black boys.

The myth that there are more black men in prison than in college, debunked in one chart

Lie: Black Men are the leading cause of death for Black women
Fact: This is a myth, claimed by AG Eric H. Holder in 2009 in relation to DV awareness month, and has been fact checked and debunked

Lie: Most Black Men are on the down low
Fact: This has long been proven to be a myth, more than a decade ago
ARTICLE — NPR Cookie Consent and Choices

Lie: Black Men are more anti-Black than Black women are
Fact: Black Men have the least prejudicial views towards Black people, than Black women do

Fact II: Black Men are statistically less anti-Black, than Black women are

To give the data more context, modern racism is defined as —

Lie: Black Men are (politically) the white men of the Black community
Fact: Black Men are the most liberal leaning and open minded among men of all racial groups.

Lie: Black Men wish they had the power white men have in order to oppress others without accountability
Fact: Black Men support egalitarian values more than other racial/gender/ethnic group combinations, apart from Black women

Lie: Black men are constantly killing black women at extremely high disproportionate rates.
Fact: Black women in same sex intimate couples experience domestic violence at a higher rate, than black women in heterosexual couples. This is where a large segment of the incident reports are coming from.

Source: NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
43.8% of lesbian women and 61.1% of bisexual women have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime, as opposed to 35% of heterosexual women.

Source: (Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community University of Minnesota)
Intimate partner homicides [within the Black community] have declined sharply in the last 30 years. Partner homicides involving a Black man or a black woman decreased from a high of 1529 in 1976 to 475 in 2005, for a total decline of 69%... Over this period, [heterosexual] intimate partner homicides declined by 83% for Black men vs. 55% for black women.

Even at that intimate partner domestic violence within the Black community is largely bidirectional, with other forms such as verbal abuse being one way aggression more so towards men.


Delving further, within the Black community, black women inflict the highest rate of child abuse than every other race/gender. Black women are also the leading abusers of Black boys in regard to sexual molestation and maltreatment — a prevalent issue that is met with tumbleweeds when brought to light.

Lie: Black women are the only ones on the front lines advocating for social justice issues, especially on behalf of Black men
Reality: ADOS men make up the majority of protesters, almost double the percentage figure of the women.


Lie: Black women significantly out earn Black men, and are the most ‘educated’ demographic in the US.
Truth: Black men on average, earn more than black women annually. The median income for Black men is ~ $42,000, whereas the median income for black women is ~ $37,000. (2020)

On the second point: Black women are the demographic with the most college enrolment — mainly in non-STEM degrees too. This does not equate to being the ‘most educated’. Despite this, they also carry the most student loan debt.
ARTICLE: Female students, especially black women, have the most student loan debt at the time of graduation


Source: (Income)

Lie: Black people have the highest rate of committing anti-Asian hate crimes
Fact: No, it’s white people. But as everyone knows Asians are the most boot licking white worshipping group there is. Make no mistake — the Asian wants to be white and wants to be seen as honorary caucASIANS, which is why they will never openly call out nor challenge white people on racism against them. Asians stayed quiet as a church mouse after white people dropped two nuclear atomic bombs, Agent Orange, and napalm on their cities. They continue to stay quiet and don’t challenge any of the racist tropes and stereotypes depicted of them in popular culture and media. And today, once again, Asians roll over and show their bellies to cac incels whom are mass murdering and assaulting their women.
Here is the data that debunks Black/Asian hate crime.

"So what the team did find out is that white people accounted for 90% of anti-Asian incidents in 2020, but only 5% of perpetrators were Black."
SOURCE: NPR Cookie Consent and Choices
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Sep 23, 2015
This should be the answer everytime someone come with some bullshyt about black men on social medias. Unfortunately not enough black men know that themselves so they accept even the biggest lies told about us as the truth. Some people like to remain ignorant.
Jan 1, 2014
This should be the answer everytime someone come with some bullshyt about black men on social medias. Unfortunately not enough black men know that themselves so they accept even the biggest lies told about us as the truth. Some people like to remain ignorant.
Black men gotta start speaking up! This silence is hurting black men.