Come In Here and Book a "Raw vs Smackdown" Cross Brand Match at a PPV

May 1, 2012
Its only a matter time before WWE pulls the trigger and has cross branded fueds once again at the "Big 4 PPVs" to add some much needed attraction.

Whats some matches u want to see happen and why?

I think there is money in...

Jason Jordan (heel) with HHH vs Chad Gable (w/Daniel Bryan)

if done right, it could be a big time midcard fued similar to....

The story is....
  1. Jason Jordan turns on his dad Kurt and HHH reveals to be the mastermind behind the whole plot to get his young NXT protege Jason Jordan on the RAW brand while screwing over his old rival at the same time.
  2. Daniel Bryan takes offense to Steph & HHH abusing their older GM's especially when he remembers being bullied by HHH and Steph years back
  3. Jason Jordan hits D-Bry with his finisher on SD Live! with the commentators saying "He's a Raw superstar! get him outta here!"
  4. Chad Gable surprisely shows up at a RAW ppv and costs Jason Jordan the IC Title to a huge reaction.
  5. Long story short, Jason Jordan and Chad Gable finally meet in a big time midcard match at say "Survivor Series 2017" with a big fight feel having HHH and D-Bry in their corners. Maybe Angle returns and helps Chad win and holds up Chad Gable's arm at the end.
This helps build two guys up to be legit Upper-Midcarders with a memorable midcard fued under their belt.

All former tag team partners have a memorable fued and breakup


Mar 4, 2015
Jason Jordan "Gold Blooded" runs through a few jobbers until

Lights go out :krs:

Mystery attacker :jbhmm:

attacker gets Kurt Angle back stage :damn:

yadda, yadda, yadda...

It's Chad Gable. His reasons: He REALLY was in the Olympics (unlike JJ), JJ ditched him and left him to flounder on Smackdown


John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
AJ vs Brock

Brock n Heyman are tired of AJ Styles being known as THE best performer in WWE and the best in the world even though Brock is champ n has been on roll.

Reigns vs Shinske

Reigns searching for a new challenge after being fed all the top guys on RAW, says he wants to wrestle Shinske


Jun 2, 2014
The Miz (w/ The Miztourage) vs Tye Dillinger

These two have been going at it on social media for a minute, so might as well bring it to tv.

Feud starts with Tye cutting some promo admitting his career on main hasn't gone quite how he'd want, but he's ready for a new start and to show everyone he's still a Perfect 10. Ya know, typical babyface shyt. He goes on a short win streak to build him up.

Meanwhile, on Raw, Miz cuts a promo on MizTV about how he got sent to Raw because Daniel Bryan was jealous of him and couldn't stand to see all of his success. He says he was the foundation of Smackdown Live and without him, it's back to being the B show no one cares about. He trashes the locker room, saying no one on that show can hold a candle to him. He calls out a few people by name - Cena, Owens, Styles, Nak - but the key phrase is something along the lines of "It's a show full of nobodies like Tye Dillinger."

Miz heads to the back and is stopped by Kurt Angle. Kurt says he just got off the phone with D-Bry and they decided Miz should put his money where his mouth is. Miz will defend his IC Title at [PPV} against a Smackdown Live superstar to be determined tomorrow night. Miz (because he's smart) points out that it's ridiculous that Kurt would risk losing the IC title to SDL. Kurt just shrugs and says if Miz is as good as he says he is, it shouldn't be a problem.:yeshrug:

Because Smackdown loves multi man matches, it's a fatal five way elim match with the winner going to face Miz at the PPV: Sami Zayn, Chad Gable, Aiden English, Mike Kanellis, and Tye Dillinger. It comes down to just Sami vs Tye. The match ends when Sami misses with the Helluva Kick and Tye uses the moment to get him up for the Tye Breaker. At the end, Sami and Tye shake hands (because babyface respect is cool), and Tye cuts a promo saying he'll show Miz that the Perfect 10 isn't a nobody when he brings the IC Title home to Smackdown Live (or something like that).

From then on, the build is promos and video packages of the two hyping themselves up or downing their opponent. Miz talks about how Tye spent so long in NXT because he couldn't hack it and how he's so far below someone of Miz's stature. Tye says Miz is a fraud and a coward, and that he (Tye) has worked too long and too hard to let some wannabe movie star keep him from winning his first WWE title. It culminates in a special Miz TV segment on the go home show for Smackdown with Tye as the guest. The two finally go back and forth, and just before it seems like they'll come to blows, the Miztourage appears from the crowd and they start attacking Tye. He tries to fight back, but the numbers are too much. Luckily, Sami and Chad (because they're babyfaces who do the right thing) appear from the back and help Tye fend off the Miztourage.

Finally, it's the night of the PPV. The story of the match is even though Tye has to fend off the entire Miztourage, he still has Miz on the ropes. Eventually he takes out Bo and Axel, and is just about to hit Miz with the Tye Breaker, when Maryse sprays perfume in his face. Miz hits the Skull-Crushing Finale and retains.

Now, even though Tye loses, hopefully this feud will end having upped his profile enough that he can start being put in storylines for the US belt (which has hopefully gone back to actually being a midcard belt at this point).


I used to drop Lewinsky off at the White House.
Dec 15, 2015
AJ (Face) Vs Seth (Heel Champion)

AJ isn't gonna get boo'd and Seth works 1000x better as a heel anyways.

El Guapo

May 1, 2012
The real reason The Revival keeps getting injured isn't from in the ring, but they keep getting jumped. They didn't want to acknowledge it, but the last attack was the last straw. It wasn't paranoia. It was...


Reason? Because they just felt like it :birdman:

Usos win in a match where both teams try to outheel each other.