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If you can Search the #MyUnPopularBlackOpinion hashtag on Twitter.
We have a huge problem with willfully ignorant people in our communities, and its sadly much bigger than I originally imagined.
The internet is at your disposal to educate yourself about racism and not remain willfully ignorant about debating people's humanity.
I understand fear of change is involved in this but there is no excuse to be accusing your brothers and sisters of "always using the race card" and etc. These opinions really aren't that "unpopular".
Stockholm syndrome is real brehs.
We have a huge problem with willfully ignorant people in our communities, and its sadly much bigger than I originally imagined.
The internet is at your disposal to educate yourself about racism and not remain willfully ignorant about debating people's humanity.
I understand fear of change is involved in this but there is no excuse to be accusing your brothers and sisters of "always using the race card" and etc. These opinions really aren't that "unpopular".
Stockholm syndrome is real brehs.