"Entitlement reform"= I'm cutting your social security and medicare
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"the American people want..." = the people who voted for me want..
(Republicans) "job killing policies" = raising taxes on rich folks
(Republicans) "small businesses" = hedge funds
"get tough on crime" = lock up the blacks
"culture of dependency" = blacks are lazy
"we need to cut spending" = we're going to cut basic programs poor people rely on
"the American people want..." = the people who voted for me want..
(Republicans) "job killing policies" = raising taxes on rich folks
(Republicans) "small businesses" = hedge funds
"get tough on crime" = lock up the blacks
"culture of dependency" = blacks are lazy
"we need to cut spending" = we're going to cut basic programs poor people rely on
these tend to be used by political strategists and pundits
low information voters = minorities and poor people
political correctness = calling me out on the southern strategy
political narrative = how good is news at appealing to familiar stories and stereotypes instead of appealing to intellect
news cycle = duration of time news is not boring the viewers
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