Citizen Sleeper [PS][XBOX][PC/STEAM][SWITCH]


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
I don't remember how I originally learned about the game, probably watching some youtube videos. But it immediately caught my eye and after watching the trailer, it was a done deal that'd end up playing it eventually.

After hearing about how good it was yet another time, I finally copped it and just played about an hour and a half. This is good. I'm already immersed in the narrative, the presentation is gripping and sets the mood very well, and the gameplay is already enjoyable and a little bit stressful :sadcam:


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Having an amazing time with this.

The different narrative threads and gameplay paths are smartly intervowen, so much so that you'll carefully consider your resource constraints so as to simply survive. And even when you fail to meet a harmful deadline, it's not game over (at least it hasn't been yet for me); the game will adapt and throw new elements at you as a consequence of your failure.

The characters are very engaging so far, from their personalities to their illustrations; but given that you're in deep shyt most of the time, you don't know whether or not you can trust them and have to trade carefully when they ask you for things. Some will help, even upfront; others will require shyt from you for which you have no guarantee to see a return.
You end up having to be a judge of fictional character and navigate those relationships depending on your instincts and the dangers you're in; because sometimes, you have no other choice but to turn to somebody who fukked you over if the context you're in is dire enough.

Uncovering the map layer by layer is satisfying and rewarding in opportunities and lore. The upgrades really help. Projecting yourself in the future and organizing your schedule so as to pull off miracles is as enjoyable as it can be tense.

And great soundtrack.

Only issue I have so far is the unresponsiveness of some basic controls. That can be worked around though.

Oh, and fukk

Unreliable ass snake. fukk his dumbass


as a mountain
Sep 13, 2012
Love these narrative focused games, glad twith how indie dev going these days they're having a bit of a renaissance. Sequel already announced/revealed too. Highly recommend Pentiment too if you're open to the setting:


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Love these narrative focused games, glad twith how indie dev going these days they're having a bit of a renaissance. Sequel already announced/revealed too. Highly recommend Pentiment too if you're open to the setting:

Yeah, I remember seeing the trailer for it and thinking I'd love to play it. I see it's on Steam, so I'll end up giving it a go sooner or later.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Finished it (or at least got one of the endings).

Man, it was fun. Funny how much more immersed I'm in a narrative game like this than in 2D or 3D games with a completely different approach to what it means to "be" and act in a game. Same thing that goes on for books versus visual medias such as movies I guess.

Immersion was helped by the writing that was good and serviceable as far as I've seen, as well as the fantastic music that fitted the atmosphere oh so well. I'll probably check out Spotify to see if they've got the soundtrack on there.

Only aspects that frustated me were, as I said in an earlier post, the janky Switch controls, but also the unescapable meekness of the main character in some situations. I understand being physically weak given the artificial body and circumstances, but there were instances where I couldn't express my natural feelings through the gameplay and I feel like it'd have been nice to be able too. I'm referring to

Feng in particular. My thing is this: bro is, as far as I know, the only way to disable the tracker I got on. And I know that several hostile entities can and will find me, thanks to that tracker, and that they're on their way.

So I have no time to fukk around and I'm under pressure. Breh wants me to put in the work for his own, self-serving, dangerous as hell, mission that might get me killed if I get involved. I PUT IN THE WORK. Not only do I get into deep shyt, but breh, like too many NPCs, is just asking me to do more and more shyt. Sending me all over the place for him without doing anything FOR ME. Despite the promise to return the favor! So I grow more and more frustrated about the fact that my character is a sucka that apparently doesn't care about the mercenary that is about to bust through his doorstep in two days. I can't even remind this bytch about what he owes me.

Same thing goes for several NPCs that expect you to lift mountains for them just because... They're interesting? Like, a lot of them are on some "hey Sleeper, I know you can do this and this, will you do this for me please?" without sometimes doing anything in exchange for you. And even when they do, I feel like it reduces the relationship to a mercantile one. I don't remember nobody doing anything for me out of the kindness of their heart, not even the cook. They all need you and at the end, I felt like I made no actual friends there. That's why I decided to use the ticket and get on the ship with Lem and Mina.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's necessarily bad that characters, in general, have just a vested interest in you and that you don't build true relationships with most of them. It's cool and can be interpreted as part of the story.

I just wish I just could do, or at least say something about it when their demands become over the top. I'm out here getting chased down by a killer and you're asking me to deliver noodles, play an unwarranted political intrigue or make some crime boss fall because he isn't treating mobsters right. Go fukk yourself.

Just give me the option to say that.