Brings to mind:
Sharon Stone is Casino…complete selfish c*nt from start to finish. I can’t thing of one selfless or non-c*nty thing she did in the entire movie.
Richie Aprile…probably the GOAT Sopranos villain. Pure a$$hole from start to finish in S2.
Ralph Cifaretto…another sopranos scumbag…beats a 20 year old girl to death, burns down a stable full of racehorses just to piss off Tony. Difference between him and Richie was Ralph was actually funny and witty to go along side of his violence where Richie was just violent.
Another pure scumbag is Don Pietro in Gomorra…power hunger selfish MFer who shyt on his one son so much it ends up costing him his life. Even goes as far as to have a pre-pubescent innocent girl murdered.