Christopher Nolan: 8-0
I have liked all of his flicks to varying degrees and can't pinpoint one movie that he directed that I thought was trash.
Zack Snyder: 4-1-1
Loved the Dawn of the Dead remake, 300, Man of Steel and Watchmen; pretty agnostic about that animated owls movie; hated Sucker Punch with a white hot passion.
David Ayer: 4-1
Like pretty much all of Ayer's movies (even enjoyed the throwback 80s style action of Sabotage) but really didn't dig that movie with Keanu Reeves, Street Kings
Joss Whedon: 4-0
Loved the first Avengers; thought Age of Ultron had it flaws but was still a decent enough movie, Serenity is a personal favorite of mine and I enjoyed Much Ado About Nothing
Payton Reed: 2-3
I liked Bring It On and Ant-Man but the rest of Reed's work in shytty rom-coms is just deplorable.
***Since the Russos have only directed one movie that the world has seen I figured including them isn't really fair so I am substituting James Gunn)***
James Gunn: 3-0
James Gunn is the shyt.