Apple has launched an urgent safety probe into its iPhone 5 amid claims a bride-to-be died from a massive electric shock while answering a call in China.
Ma Ailun, a former flight attendant with China Southern Airlines, collapsed to the ground when she picked up her smartphone as it charged at home on Thursday, her family said.
The 23-year-old, who was planning to wed on August 8, was rushed to hospital in Xinjiang, northwest China, but medics were unable to revive her.
Apple launches probe after Chinese air stewardess, 23, dies 'from massive electric shock while answering her iPhone 5' | Mail Online
Ma Ailun, a former flight attendant with China Southern Airlines, collapsed to the ground when she picked up her smartphone as it charged at home on Thursday, her family said.
The 23-year-old, who was planning to wed on August 8, was rushed to hospital in Xinjiang, northwest China, but medics were unable to revive her.
Apple launches probe after Chinese air stewardess, 23, dies 'from massive electric shock while answering her iPhone 5' | Mail Online