Chinese government legit Practicing White Supremacy: Wendell Brown Story..Update: Breh Gets 4 Years


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Wendell Brown is in a Chinese jail because his brother isn't Lonzo Ball

He was in China participating in the newly developing Chinese football league.
Detroit native facing years in prison after being locked up in Chinese jail

This is disgusting that cacs are now controlling so much of China that white supremecy has taken hold there. Rice cacs are starting to form in the government and I saw the media propaganda (on the news the only stories about black people they ever had was crime related in America or Africa) heading that way when I lived there but didn’t expect the English media to really wage a war like this against blacks in Asia, but cacs really don’t fukk with us at all.

Wendell Brown is in a Chinese jail because his brother isn’t Lonzo Ball

Thursday, November 16, 2017


When Antoinette Brown saw the news that three UCLA basketball players were arrested for shoplifting in China, her heart sank. She thought about the pain their parents would go through.

“I felt bad for them because I know what we’ve been through,” she said. “I thought, these poor guys and their families are going to go through hell.”

Antoinette’s own son, former Ball State linebacker Wendell Brown, has spent the past 14 months in a Chinese jail.

The three UCLA players were back home in Los Angeles within 2 weeks, after the President of the United States and billionaire Jack Ma intervened on their behalf.

One of the players, 18-year-old LiAngelo Ball, is the younger brother of LA Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball.

All charges have been dropped against the UCLA players and they are welcome to visit China anytime.

“Their daddy, what’s his name, LaVar Ball?” said Wendell’s father, Travon King.

“Their daddy said, ‘It ain’t no big thing,’ and I thought, ‘He knows they’re going to get out.'”

Antoinette and Travon are aware that it’s who you know that opens doors in China.

“So many sleepless nights,” Antoinette said. “It never makes sense. I stay up all night emailing people in China because their time is 12 hours ahead, so it’s daytime. You can never get an answer.”

When she read that President Trump demanded a thank you from the UCLA players, she said, “I’ll thank him.”

“If Trump helps us, if he helps Wendell, I won’t stop thanking him. He helped get three basketball players who were guilty get out. I pray he’ll help get my innocent son out. And if he does, I’ll thank him and thank him and thank him.”

In 2015, Wendell traveled to Chongqing, China to play professional football. After suffering an injury, he accepted the opportunity to coach in the American Football League of China.

While there he taught English to adults and football to kids. At 6-foot and 225-pounds, Wendell was a well-liked gentle giant in China.

On Sept. 24, 2016, he attended a birthday party for a friend at a bar. According to Wendell, some men wanted to drink with him, but he declined. A fight broke out and Wendell raised his arms to deflect a thrown bottle.

He claimed he never hit anyone. But he was arrested for assaulting a man.

An hour later, he sat in a cell at the Chongqing Jiangbei detention center.

Wendell’s criminal trial was held in July. His defense lawyer presented surveillance video that backs up Wendell’s claim that he never touched anyone.

Despite a lack of evidence that he ever hit the man, the judge has refused to render a verdict.

Chinese officials reportedly suggested the family come up with $100,000 U.S.D. as restitution.

But the Browns are a low-income family who work long hours. They can’t afford to pay restitution.

Months later, Wendell still sits in jail waiting for the wheels of justice to budge.

His case received a mention in The Wall Street Journal‘s coverage of the UCLA boys, and there was some local news coverage about him.

In letters home to his family, Brown says he has tried to find peace with everything.

“God will assure that the truth will come out,” he wrote to his mother.

Antoinette says he is visited once a month by the U.S. Consulate to make sure he is not being mistreated.

The judge has also stopped by the jail four times to check on Wendell.

“That tells me that she knows that there is an innocent man in there,” Antoinette said. “I wish she would just rule that way.”

I’ve said this a millions of time, the local people are not the problem, it’s these American and Hispanic and European cacs that go to China and spread black hate. It’s these Chinese people who you see walking around your city and selling you Chinese food and doing your laundry who go back to the mainland China and spread black hate.

We are in a global propaganda war and nikkahs don’t get the politics of it at all. Too busy arguing dumb tribal nikkah Shyte like AAs vs Jamaicans vs Africans vs Somalis, vs etc,

Dumb nikkah Shyte. We at war with these cacs


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
No :hhh:

The Chinese practice Chinese supremacy

What does white supremacy have to even do with this?
I’m not trying to be disrespectful or shoot down other people’s opinions, but y’all really don’t understand how global this white supremecy aka anti-black movement has become or is becoming.

You think this shyte is some reddit or local cac Shyte. Y’all don’t live in these places and have no idea the influence and propaganda that white people spread abroad.

There can be zero black people in a country and they will still complain about black people everyday. Some of y’all have no idea just how strong the hate that white people have for you collectively is.

The first time I went to China and lived there I never had any issues with Chinese people. Almost all the time I went out I had to clash with cacs and cac sidekick suckups. These people have money in Asia. They have been coming to these countries for years and paying families to have sex with their daughters and sons. Lot of these Asians are grateful to kicks and think that it’s white people who dragged them out of their poverty and shame.

Y’all have no idea the hold white supremecy has when you can either work for a Chinese company or a white company and the white company pays better. Cacs are feeding these people’s families, teaching their children in school, etc, been paying to sleep with their women for generations and have control or workers in all the biggest television networks. Who you think taught these Chinese how to set up there modern tv networks ( even the government 1s) Cacs and Chinese people who came here and lived with cacs and cac families.

This same Shyte happens in Latin America too. Black people are losing a global propganda war and we not focusing on the influence and the power needed to fight cacs in this war. Y’all stay giving Chinese way more credit than you would if you lived there and saw this happening.

I remember watching CCTV 9 which was the English language national station and it was literally all positive cac propganda and any story about a black person in America or in Africa was crime footage. This was true for the Chinese news stations that were not in English also, I remember asking friends there to show me 1 positive news story about a black person in the news and they literally could not find 1, but there were positive stories about other foreigners all the time.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
White supremacy is global and dominates the entire planet.
These dudes just don’t get it.

We are at war globally and they arguing semantics and nonsense. When I was there I convinced so many Chinese people of what was going on that they would legit go “wow you are right now that I think about it”, but for every person I convinced that white supremecy was in play, there’s another 10,000 that I don’t know and powerless to interact with.

So many fukkery incidents happen when dealing with cacs and Hispanic cacs over there, mad subtle.

I remember going to a restaurant, it was a Chinese japanese fusion place that a Cac owned or was managing. Never talked to the guy but remember him off to the side talking to the waitstaff and looking towards me and my friend the whole night as we ate. When the time came for the bill, he sent another waiter to get the check and I put my card to pay the bill. I had about the Chinese equivalent to $2000 on that card and our meal came up to about $70. The waiter came back and yelled “Im sorry sir, your card was declined!” Now we in the middle table at the restaurant, so everybody can see and hear what was going on, this cac comes over and tried to flex “sir, you have to pay your bill. It’s $70 can you pay it”

I reached in my pocket and picked out about $150 in Chinese money and slammed the $70 amount on the table like a dominos game. Not tip. Fakkit, just goes, “thanks and say to the wait staff take the money from him” and walks away. Never ate there again. A pos American cac running a restaurant filled with Chinese employees and spreading black hate to all his employees as regular.

Creflo ½ Dollar

Aug 6, 2015
This some y'all cats embarrassing ya'll give the white man credit for everything.

Y'all act like the asians didnt go to war with the white man.

Open up a damn book

Regardless most countries value white people over black people and view blacks thru a stereotypical lens deriving from white media.

Asians marry out and date out with white like its the norm. It’s not the same with blacks. Asian women are the most well known c00ns in the world. fukk a book you just have to look around.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
This some y'all cats embarrassing ya'll give the white man credit for everything.

Y'all act like the asians didnt go to war with the white man.

Open up a damn book
Everyone went to war with the white man and yet here we are with systematic white supremecy. Y’all dudes don’t understand the global anti-black war y’all are in. Y’all will continue to be delusional and blacks will continue to be victimized collectively because of it.

You can pretend it doesn’t exist, just like you can pretend not to have cancer, but soon enough it will become fatal for you or someone you love.

Keep pretending y’all not in a war when you 10x more likely than anyone else to be put in prison


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Everyone went to war with the white man and yet here we are with systematic white supremecy. Y’all dudes don’t understand the global anti-black war y’all are in. Y’all will continue to be delusional and blacks will continue to be victimized collectively because of it.

You can pretend it doesn’t exist, just like you can pretend not to have cancer, but soon enough it will become fatal for you or someone you love.

Keep pretending y’all not in a war when you 10x more likely than anyone else to be put in prison

Haitians went to war with the white man and "won" in the Hatian revolution, have a look at Haiti today.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Two British woman have been detained in China for more than two months after their dream holiday turned to nightmare.

Modupe Idowu, 59, and her friend Esther Jubril Badmos, also 48, were arrested after becoming embroiled in a dispute at a shoe shop in the city of Guangzhou.

They were locked up in 'hell-like' conditions at a detention centre for 38 days and although they have now been released, the two women remain trapped in the country as their visas have expired and authorities refuse to issue them new ones.


Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
Everyone went to war with the white man and yet here we are with systematic white supremecy. Y’all dudes don’t understand the global anti-black war y’all are in. Y’all will continue to be delusional and blacks will continue to be victimized collectively because of it.

You can pretend it doesn’t exist, just like you can pretend not to have cancer, but soon enough it will become fatal for you or someone you love.

Keep pretending y’all not in a war when you 10x more likely than anyone else to be put in prison

I am the black man the original man i can never be defeated.:sas1: