Children who were dragged up and not brought up unappreciation

Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
Going to the mall and seeing so many of Satan's little spawn breaks my heart.

I was at the food court the other day at a mall downtown and I see this one Mexican looking fellow with his 4 or 5 kids. One of them (a baby girl, probably 1 or 2) is in the stroller getting spun around by one of his fat sons (he has 2) who end up walking away from the dad while he's at an ATM not even paying attention..

Then I see dude start ordering food not too far away from where I'm sitting then his other little girl (about 3 years old) starts making random noises and lifting her shorts up to the point where her panties can be seen. He still didn't seem to notice his sons left him when he started ordering food. :snoop:

All this and that damn father is barely even paying attention.

Then of course are those damn white babies who start screaming at the top of their lungs the moment something goes wrong. I try to sit as far away from them as possible. :skip:

Why's it gotta be like this brehs? If my kids were so bad mannered I'd smack them straight to Bolivia :sadcam: