You ever been in a precinct? They act like a jock club in there with the snide comments about the "perps". Witnessed one guy being brought in handcuffs early in the morning one time, was not causing a disturbance or anything was being calm. As soon as the arresting officer takes him in the back of the room, there was a fellow pig who was smirking and asked him "what he in for" with the

expression and he gives some code number and he said "this early in the morning"? and the both start cracking up.
Yes. I've been in the 25th in Harlem (119th & Park).
I was in the detective bureau though so I didn't get the perp treatment. I've also been inside Rikers (staff visitor). The NYPD is full of hillbillies that couldn't get a job doing anything else. Most of whom do not live in the city and pretty much are detached from the residents.
The saddest thing ever was being in NYC and seeing the bullshyt where they're placing people in cuffs and sitting them on the pavement instead of taking them away. That's so humiliating and unnecessary.
I think that people are being taken advantage of (e.g., Freddie Gray BEFORE they broke his neck) and abused by cops repeatedly. Some people are targeted, like Sandra Bland and some people are just target practice, like the kids in Chicago.
Cacs are terrified of Black people.
They know their time is up and judgment day is coming. They don't want to be on the receiving end of the murderous bullshyt they've inflicted on others.