yeah, you better edit you Little bytch...Edit
IkrDidn't know cbox was still around
you're out here looking desperate as shyt. See, I told you to stay in your lane and mind your business, you obsessive fuk. Now you're about to get exposed.. AGAIN.Edit
you're out here looking desperate as shyt. See, I told you to stay in your lane and mind your business, you obsessive fuk. Now you're about to get exposed.. AGAIN.
Yup.. it's in your best interest to "edit" whatever the fuk you were about to say. There's always shooters at the ready.. tried to warn you. hold that.
On second thought. Send 150 to $GreenEyedCharizard on cashapp for the Nicole file. 200 for Nicole + new black pearl info.
shut the fuk up.. dumb as hell. you thought it was one way. the only troop that you have is your gay infantry. Besides that, a real one always has enforcers on deck, they're more loyal. your "troops" have staged a mutiny... they squaded up with me now.What’s a shooter to the navy. You got goons I got troops.
you can update the title.. just go to the "edit" tab.. and