Canada Approves "Glory Holes" For Safe Sex During Pandemic

Jun 24, 2012

COVID-19 and Sex

If you’re feeling well and have no symptoms of COVID-19, you can have sex
You are your safest sex partner. Masturbating by yourself (solo sex) will not spread COVID-19. If you masturbate with a partner(s), physical distancing will lower your chance of getting COVID-19.

Virtual Sex:
Video dates, phone chats, sexting, online chat rooms and group cam rooms are ways to engage in sexual activity with no chance of spreading COVID-19. Be aware of the risks of sharing information or photos online, and web camming. Some people do not share personal information or show their face or other identifiable body parts, for more privacy.

Sex with partner(s):
Having 1, or a few, regular sex partner(s) can help lower the chances of being exposed to COVID-19. Talk with your sex partner(s) about:

  • The types of sexual activities you want to have with them, and
  • The precautions that you can each take to make sex safer for you and your sex partner(s), like wearing a mask and social distancing, and
  • Whether you or your sex partner(s), or anyone you are in contact with, have a higher chance of getting a more serious COVID-19 illness (such as someone with an underlying medical condition like diabetes, lung disease, cancer or a weakened immune system)
Talking about these things will help you and your sex partner(s) make informed decisions about sex, your health and the health of others.

Steps to protect yourself during sex
Here are some ways to lower the chances of being exposed to COVID-19 during sex with others:

  • Ask your partner(s) if they’re feeling unwell or have any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Consider keeping contact information for your partner(s) so that you can reach them if one of you develops symptoms.
  • Before and after sex:
    • Wash your body with soap and water.
    • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    • Wash sex toys thoroughly per the manufacturer’s instructions. Most, but not all, can be cleaned with mild unscented soap and water. Do not share them with multiple partners.
  • Wear a face covering or mask. Heavy breathing during sex can create more droplets that may transmit COVID-19.
  • Avoid or limit kissing and saliva exchange.
  • Choose sexual positions that limit face-to-face contact.
  • Use barriers, like walls (e.g., glory holes), that allow for sexual contact but prevent close face-to-face contact.
  • Using condoms, lubricant, and dental dams may help to further reduce the chances by minimizing contact with saliva, semen, feces, blood and/or internal genitalia/vaginal fluids during sex.


. . . & On
Aug 7, 2019