Can wearing a wireless headset all day negatively impact your health?


Aug 4, 2014
Are there any studies that suggest wearing wireless headphones all day can fukk with your body some kinda way?? My problem with my neighbors has gotten so bad I've decided that I'm gonna just wear headphones whenever I'm in the house. Just pulled the trigger on these

Which also work with PS5 when wired. Received great ratings on their noise cancellation so I feel like this may be the solution I've long been waiting for. But I don't want to grow a tumor out my ear or some shyt so idk if I should be doing this. Please help these muhfukkas are driving me crazy
Feb 24, 2017
There's been a fair few technically inconclusive studies over the years about that all kinda trend in the direction of "Wifi/bluetooth devices being physically near you, especially ALL the time, probably isn't good for you": Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health - PubMed

I say "inconclusive" because... short term effects in the near term are so minute you can't practically measure them. And long term studies about technology that hasn't existed for all that long to begin with, and how it can potentially affect your health/cause cancer or whatever as you grow older decade over decade obviously isn't going to bear a ton of substantiative fruit right now in the present. :pachaha:The way our lives/jobs work nowadays makes keeping stuff like this physically away from you effectively impossible but still: Don't ever sleep with your phone right next to you or your pillow, try and put as much distance between you and any bluetooth/wifi devices as possible when you're sleeping/not using them, etc. Also disregarding health concerns like tumors/cancer... wearing headphones/headsets all day in general is not good for your hearing. Your eardrums aren't designed to be punished up close like that for hours and hours on end, even if the volume on them isn't turned up super high. It's a hassle I'm sure, but I'd try talking to your neighbors personally or making a noise complaint if you live in an apartment or something before using a headset to physically drown them out if it's that bad. :francis:
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Aug 4, 2014
There's been a fair few technically inconclusive studies over the years about that all kinda trend in the direction of "Wifi/bluetooth devices being physically near you, especially ALL the time, probably isn't good for you": Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health - PubMed

I say "inconclusive" because... short term effects in the near term are so minute you can't practically measure them. And long term studies about technology that hasn't existed for all that long to begin with, and how it can potentially affect your health/cause cancer or whatever as you grow older decade over decade obviously isn't going to bear a ton of substantiative fruit right now in the present. :pachaha:The way our lives/jobs work nowadays makes keeping stuff like this physically away from you effectively impossible but still: Don't ever sleep with your phone right next to you or your pillow, try and put as much distance between you and any bluetooth/wifi devices as possible when you're sleeping/not using them, etc. Also disregarding health concerns like tumors/cancer... wearing headphones/headsets all day in general is not good for your hearing. Your eardrums aren't designed to be punished up close like that for hours and hours on end, even if the volume on them isn't turned up super high. It's a hassle I'm sure, but I'd try talking to your neighbors personally or making a noise complaint if you live in an apartment or something before buying a headset to physically drown them out if it's that bad. :francis:
Man I done went up there several times, filed an official complaint with the HOA, even pulled a Kenny (black Ken) n called the law. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I bought this shyt but here I am.

I sleep with my phone next to me every night. I'm tired of everything in the world trying to kill me, I don't even care anymore. Imma rock out with these headphones n hope for the best
Feb 24, 2017
Man I done went up there several times, filed an official complaint with the HOA, even pulled a Kenny (black Ken) n called the law. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I bought this shyt but here I am.

I sleep with my phone next to me every night. I'm tired of everything in the world trying to kill me, I don't even care anymore. Imma rock out with these headphones n hope for the best

Nah I understand breh. :pachaha: When everything in the world is supposedly unhealthy/lethal you quickly lose the ability to give AF. Just tryna give you the heads up because for a long time I was wondering about the same thing.