Can someone inform me on how to approach SEO and how I go about learning it


Oct 9, 2012
I wasnt too sure what sub forum to put this thread in but Higher Learning seems the most appropriate.


I'm currently on a one week vacation off work before school starts and I've decided to make a move on the Online content game(blogs, twitter pages, facebook pages, etc etc.) and maybe even create a site that provides a membership service in the near future(but i'll save that for another time)

Anyways I understand the purpose of SEO but going about implementing the methods is something I'm completetly in the dark about

I see that theres money in affiliate marketing and social media advertising and I wanna bank on that...

SO my question is how does a noob like me go about learning this sht, preferably blackhat methods :demonic:

I visited to get some knowledge but I'm not too sure on how i should navigate that site in order to learn some black hat methods that would be useful and also a general knowledge of SEO...all I see is a bunch of forum topics and I'm not too suure what topics to check out

So if anyone who is currently decent with this, can yall plz help a bruva out :sadcam:

Need someone to point me in the right direction in learning this sht

Thanks in advance :obama:

@Gunshi :sadcam: