Eventually they price out their customers and or forced to either lower prices or go out of business due to lack of sales.
Only so many billionaires you can sell houses to. bubble always pops eventually regardless of which direction things trend in.
It seems that way huh?
It people are just arbitrarily raising prices, so actually the cost of getting goods and services to people
Causes increased due to monetary policy resulting in the diminishing value of the dollar so this is why hamburgers on a menu in 1960 it might have been 15 cents
Hey did you can imagine in a world where hamburgers are 15 cents 15 cents means a lot more than it did today nonetheless people today are likely to discard of 15 cents
That's more than a 100 to 1 diminishment (in value in 60 years)
No it's not a bubble, it's inflation
And it happens as a result of bad monetary policy (namely; printing money)
And yes Trump presided over the printing of the money that you are experiencing the effect of during the Biden administration
But the president has little control over the fed chair