C@@n function turns violent :dead


May 4, 2012
:dead: at the headline

c00n function turns violent | The New Age Online

All hell broke loose when unscrupulous gangster allegedly forced their way into a Karoeke fundraising effort staged by the Cape Town Walkers c00ns in the Multi-Purpose centre in Bonteheuweland started shooting blindly.

A 23-year-old man was fatally wounded and several people were wounded including the chairman of the Cape Town Walkers Sulaiman“Piele” Poromano.
Witnesses said it was total chaos when rival gangs inside the Centre started shooting at each other and throwing bricks and bottles.

Police spokesman Captain Frederick van Wyk confirmed the incident and adds that several people attending the function were also stabbed.

“It is alleged that about 00:05 the 23-year-old victim was inside the Multi-Purpose Civic Centre in Elder Street Bonteheuwel when a gang fight started.

“An unidentified male started firing shots and in the process bottles and bricks were thrown and several people were stabbed.

The victim was stabbed in the chest and rushed to a nearby hospital where he died as result if the wound sustained.”
Poromano was shot in the side and still in hospital.

Doctors don’t want to operate and remove the bullet because it is to near to the spine.

Meanwhile the executive of the Cape Town Walkers have expressed a sincere apology to all the supporters who have attended the function.

“It is the first in 30-years that one of our functions turned violent and resulted in a death.
It was fundraiser and the money generated was supposed to be use to fund our community outreach programmes,” says the executive.

One of the captains of the team who was at the Kareoko said: “A group of alleged gangsters gathered at the entrance on the Centre and demanded entry.

“Once they were inside all hell broke loose and they started attacking other people at the function.”

The cops have opened a murder and attempted murder docket and are investigating the circumstances the surrounding the incident. The motive is yet to be established and no arrest has been made.

Police cannot confirm whether the attack is gang. Anyone with information about this incident is requested to contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111.