Remy Danton
All Star
Q: What's the most exciting thing about X-Men: Apocalypse?
A: Seeing some images and treatments of X-Men powers you've never seen before and some action on a pretty epic scope.pretty major stakes like global stakes. But in the end... Apocalypse, he's a pretty cool character. X-Men is always centered around the fight between mutants and humans. This ones a bit different. It deals with the concept of ancient mutant-ism. Gods & Men deals with issues that are global. Apocalypse makes no distinction between humans and mutants. Only between the weak and the strong. Other things like revisiting famous characters when their young. Young Jean, Young Storm, Young Scott and frankly Young Nightcrawler. These are very different characters then they were in X1 - X3. They are at times in their lives when they are probably at the most opposite of where they were to become. And that's kinda of a thrill to me. To go back and take characters i crafted so many years ago and then flip them completely on their side and show how they evolved and how they began.
Q: How much more Quicksilver do we see in X-Men Apocalypse?
A: Alot more with his relationship with Magneto. Eric who is in fact his father we see a sequence that is different much much larger in scale then the one sequence you saw in DoFP. But you also see unlike in DoFP where he abandons the story early he follows through to the end this time.
Q: Will we ever see the traditional coloured X-Men costumes in the films?
A: The X-Men are sorta a fighting team, so it was always an attempt at being realistic to use uniforms flight suits things like that. In X-Men: FC which I produced and wrote we went back to the original colors of the original costumes from the 1963 comic. But I will say that in X-Men: Apocalpyse that there is a chance without giving anything away that you may get closer to seeing you are interested in seeing. I know it's something I've been interested I just always wanted to do it the right way.
Q: Was X-Men: DoFP a way of removing X-Men 3 from the timeline?
A: As far as my feelings about X-Men 3 it was you know a strange thing for me to experience. There were thing the director Brett did that I didn't agree with. There were things I liked very much like the decision to cast Ellen Paige as Kitty Pryde and I end up using her in DoFP. He came aboard that movie very late in the game but its a tough act to follow. The third ones are hard their very hard its a tough job to jump on a film weeks before production. He didn't have a lot of time to prep that movie. You gotta cut a little slack for the man.
Q: Will there be another X-Men movie?
A: I don't know if you'd reboot it essentially. I think whats gonna try and happen is an expansion of the universe. If one really looks at X-Men ones finds that its every bit as large as the entire Marvel Universe. And I feel theres alot of opportunity for universe expansion. Individual characters having their own films and things like that but im sure you haven't seen the last X-Men movie.
Q: Do you have plans with Simon Kinberg to make an X-Men/Fantastic Four crossover?
A: That would be a natural mash up because their both ensemble films and there is a mechanisms by which to do it. I don't want to give it away thats all im going to say. You have to see how the films turn out how X-Men turns out and Fantastic Four plays to really understand what kinda desire or how this thing really works. To just say your gonna do it is kinda a mistake.
Q: What is your opinion about Marvel's plan to cancel the X-Men comics?
A: You know to be really honest I have a problem with that. My problem is that there are a lot of fans of comic books separate from the movies. Comics mean a lot to people they've meant a lot to people growing up these story lines these characters they've helped people grow up and deal with their sense of isolation and all the angst that comes with growing up. Movies don't fulfill that all the time sometimes sitting with your comic book and collecting comics is important. It would be a shame to see X-Men as a comic book canceled its been around for so many decades. It's such a wonderful comic book there are so many fans of it separate from the movies. And if that is the plan I would frown upon it and implore my old friend Kevin Feige who does such a great job to reconsider that if hes apart of that process