God Emperor of SOHH
Brother polight is getting bigger it seems
white men this, white men that....
Blah blah....
How about we get these kids into the books and higher education....
Right now sutek and brother Larry are going at it hard lol
Hok is more entertaining than rap music IMO lol
it seems the conscious community hates larry even more than i remember...what happened?
no, just no
Why b/c the Capitalist people you love and praise so much won't visit your neighborhood..?
I'm not sure what you're tying say.
Now I can bash your ass for spelling and improper sentence structure but I won't. This is the internet we do want we want. You know what Im saying 88, you love that Capitalism Life.
It's just really ignorant and rooted in religion. Lots of talk, and no action, blame blame blame. Same thing has been going on in the african american community for decades.
You live in a dream world where religion doesn't dictate public policy. Too bad the real world exist where religion has dictated this for thousands of years. No Action is some atheist blaming religion behind a computer and then goes on in his regular life outside the internet doing nothing to help others.
What are you doing to help the community?
he called you a devil
Me? Where is thekingsmen mentioned in this video?