Brehs, imagineering time …. A Suge Knight presidency


Jan 29, 2014
They said America couldn’t handle four more years of Trump. But imagine if instead of orange spray tans and Twitter fingers, we had a presidency ran by Suge Knight.

Y’all worried about democracy? Suge would’ve rebranded the White House to the Red House before the inauguration was even over. Secret Service in black dikkies. Oval Office remodeled with a velvet couch. And trust, every meeting ends with “We can do this the easy way, or the Suge way.”

Foreign Policy
• Trump: Alienates allies on Twitter at 3 AM.

• Suge: Personally drives to NATO headquarters in a red Impala and “has a word” with world leaders. You think sanctions are effective? Try getting dangled off a skyscraper for unpaid debts. :usure:


• Trump: Builds a wall.

• Suge: Tells the border patrol to “run them fades” at the crossing. Cartels sending emissaries just to negotiate their “studio time.”


• Trump: Wants to repeal Obamacare.

• Suge: Implements KnightCare. Free healthcare, but you might have to sign over your publishing rights to get your stitches.


• Trump: Betsy DeVos gutted public schools.

• Suge: Brings in Professor Snoop Dogg to teach “G-Funk Economics” and “Blunt Rolling 101.” Principal Dre handing out report cards with a “Chronic” sound effect.

Criminal Justice

• Trump: Advocates for “law and order.”

• Suge: Defunds the police and replaces them with unlicensed bodyguards in red flannels. Every trial turns into a “Who Really Snitched” investigation.

Press Conferences

• Trump: Rambling at the podium like he’s hosting a bad open mic.

• Suge: Shuts down the press room if anyone asks the wrong question. “Next reporter to bring up inflation? Studio session with Vanilla Ice. No witnesses.”

The National Anthem

• Trump: Calls for players to stand or be fired.

• Suge: Has Pac hologram perform “Hail Mary” before every game. Players gotta throw up a westside before kickoff.

Reelection Campaign

• Trump: MAGA hats and incoherent rally speeches.

• Suge: Campaign slogan is “Vote Knight… or else.” You don’t vote? Expect a black SUV outside your house bumping “Hit ‘Em Up.”


Look, Trump’s presidency was chaotic. But a Suge Knight presidency? That’s Death Row Politics. Y’all worried about Russia and China? Suge would’ve had Putin sign a lifetime management contract by lunch. The national debt? Cleared with “street negotiation tactics.”

America may not be ready for that type of energy. But one thing’s for sure — State of the Union ratings would break every record.

Knight 2028?

Let’s break it down.