my sister has em. Gives a shiny look to the teeth like theres a film on em. Unless you're totally oblivious youd kind of know they have something in. Plus youll talk with a lisp until youre used to them,
and like breh said you brush/floss to put em on and you have to. So prepare to brush/flosh before you leave a restaurant, brush at work and also a certain amount of hours you have to have em in. So get ready to toss random snacks or thinking you can just get a swig of some juice in the bushes cause them joints goin hold your teeth hostage
and depending on what is the actual issue with your teeth they might end up attaching these little nublins to your teeth like so:
IMO more trouble than its worth, have you asked about the braces behind the teeth? Thats a new trend too.
Or you can go the lazy way and get veneers. They always look a bit unnatural though howd i'd see people with veneers hold their mouth
I've never been a snacker so that's not a problem for me.
But there are times when I'm watching a game and would like to just grab a beer I go
How long is it gonna take me to finish this? Am I just gonna nurse this one and if so for how long? Do I really want to have to brush my teeth and shyt just for one beer
I forgot about the attachments as well. I got 19 of them shyts, I know someone that only has 12.
And when I first got them in, there was that feeling of
"You can see that I have these trays on" but that feeling goes away after a while when you get comfortable and some didn't even realize that I had them on until I told them.
The lisp though, I do remember talking to a coworker a few days after getting them and the lisp was pretty strong and he gave said "Why are you talking like that
But that's pretty much gone now and still improving.
I'm gonna ask more questions when I got back there in a couple of weeks because I had to do molds of my teeth, X-rays and have him look at my mouth on monday. Seems like ALOT of work and upkeep on these things but if they work, I will consider it.
It's a lot of upkeep at first, but not that bad when you get used to it. Also depends on your daily routine. I work at an office so after lunch I can just go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and trays no problem.