Brehs and Brehettes in sales....come in here


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
What do you sell? Are you strictly on commission, draw, base salary? Do you like your job?

I just wanted to make a thread where anyone who sells for a living can come in and chop it up about the sales life. It's not always easy, but it can be extremley rewarding when those commission checks come in. Or you may be on the other side where you can't seem to close your prospects or fill your pipeline. I've been on both ends of the spectrum.

I've been selling since 19 and got my start selling gym memberships at Crunch. I left after a year and started working on Wall Street from 2007 to 2011 and then went off to start my own small firm that I currently run today with 2 of my friends.

To this day, my primary way of generating new business is picking up the phone and cold calling. I do send out direct mailers and have outsourcers generating traffic from a website, but nothing beats cold calling. Some people say it's dead but that's a goddamn lie. I suggest if you are selling and want to make money immediately, remove your fear of getting on the phone right away. It takes about 3 days of getting knocked down and getting comfortable with your pitch.

Anyway, I'm not going to get into a bunch of sales tips, I just want to know who else is out there. Share some good stories or maybe what you're working on right now.....changes in your industry....ect.
