brehettes, ever been penpals with an inmate or military man??


Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
:lupe: if so, what is the story??

did you eventually meet or start dating??


Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
long ago i knew a single mother
she used to write to military in europe for a confidence boost
(i think i posted before about her before- the dog walking friend)
she had done card exchanges with military stationed in europe
she'd send a picture of herself, and most would reply back with a picture
if they were good looking, she'd turn them into erotic penpals
daydreaming about europe, being swept off her feet by this man with built-up lust

it was her ego boost- she could pretend to be pretty, independent, and carefree
when in reality she was still overweight (from childbirth), lived at home, and worked p/t at a supermarket
she'd use older swimsuit pics with current face shots (making no mention of her true circumstances)
(deception and fantasy existed long before the internet)
really,, she was bored and lonely

as for prison, last month that woman helped the new york inmates escape
so i had an idea for a fiction story
i was doing a bit of research and found prison talk message board
there were entire subforums dedicated to dating inmates
from what i could see?? (3 types)
1. existing couples- had been together or married pre-arrest
2. re-connections- they had somehow known the person at some point before their arrest
3. new connections- met through a penpal program, or reading about their case in the news
i can understand group #1:manny: they were just waiting out their husband's 2 year bid or whatever:shaq2:
group #3 is :scust:status - serial killer groupies, drama queens, etc
they only "date" inmates :mindblown: and actively seek to do conjugal visits with prisoners, wanting to have their children

:lupe: personally i found group #2 to be heartbreaking
story after story of being used up and discarded
basically a woman is going through life minding her own business
then she gets a letter in the mail-
"hey, we used to be classmates in 6th grade, remember me??
welp i'm locked up for a crime i didn't commit:francis:
i'm so lonely :sadbron: please write to say hello if you have time":to:

so she writes back because..why not?? :why:
then she checks with his mom "oh my baby is innocent":usure:
then before long she's putting $10 on commissary and driving 3 hrs to visit him:mjcry:

accepting a marriage proposal :damn:
supporting (emotionally and financially) his quixotic path through the correctional system
then she gets dumped the second he is paroled,
or worse- he stays with her long enough for her to realize his true nature
:whoa: that he's not so sweet and even-tempered when he's been drinking
or doesn't have c.o's to keep him in line:merchant:
anyway i know there is a huge gap between "dating" an inmate
and just writing to inmates
so was just wondering-
like some churches do writing programs to nursing homes, hospitals, etc
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