BREAKING: Trump announces Christian Nationalist executive order, vows to "eradicate anti-Christian bias" assigns AG Pam Bondi to head the task force


May 3, 2012

Uganda should just impose its violent Christian laws freely, remember? :sas1:

The Middle East should just impose its violent Muslim laws freely, remember? :sas1:

Judeo-Christian fascist AmeriKKKa imposing its violent Christian laws ain’t no problem now that those Abrahamic laws hit home, right? :sas2:
No it’s not, just a well designed plan to redo the Christian approach that lead to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in motion.

nikkas were just in denial, because nikkas LUHHH the Bible.

More than actual academic literature about our history starting in Central and West Africa. Explaining how Christianity was weaponized, and conversion of Africans to Christianity was a calculated tactic that lead us to end up in the Americas.

I predicted it in detail and walked TheColi through it in real-time.
Christianity is why nikkas couldn’t see it :sas1:

The reason why AmeriKKKa is so adamant about reinforcing Christianity on mass scale, is for its subjects to be more accepting of White Supremacy through conservatism.

AmeriKKKa is a Christian nation pretending to be secular for PR.

The Far Right ruling class wants their subjects Christian and low educated, as it allows ppl to willingly descent into accepting authoritarianism.

In a 61% white nation where the ruling class is extremely racist white ppl, this means White Supremacist authoritarianism under the disguise and umbrella of Christianity.

(Modern reintroduction of old conditions:
colonialism & slavery)

True secularization by design leads to oppressive systems being removed, human rights like abortion and LGBT rights to get support.

Far Right White Supremacists know very well that to gain support for their White Supremacist agenda, they just gotta point at vulnerable rights of LGBT ppl, women and immigrants.

As Christianity has ingrained misogyny that covers support across the board for their attacks on women’s rights and LGBT rights.

And tapping into xenophobia covers them from blame across the board by sayin the old racist trope “immigrants are taking your jobs.”

This way they got the social and economic narrative on lock,
and they can freely continue to push white supremacist key players in position that get white supremacist laws passed.

Liberals are centrist, incorrectly labeled as Left-wing.

It will take bold Left-wing politics for Liberals to change structures.

The Far Right knows this, so they use Fear to slander any Left-wing politics by labeling it as Extremism and Agendas.
To protect and keep the public’s Centrist sentiment status quo as their opponent, as it favors their position.

Liberal voters that want Left-wing benefits, haven’t come to term with this being the reality of American politics. That’s why those ppl stay disappointed when “nothing changes” while that’s literally what Centrism (Liberals) is designed to do, protect the status quo.

Liberal voters can’t have Left-wing desires, but turn full-blown Far Right when others benefit from those Left-wing politics too
and then complain about Liberals (Centrists) not doing anything.

When their inconsistency RIGHT THERE is the exact Centrism
they COMPLAIN about not changing the status quo they desire.

Lack of class consciousness is a big issue enabling the status quo.

The Black Panthers were Black radical Leftists.
So to see Black ppl that proudly indulge in Koonservatism, praise them.. let’s me know they don’t know their politics and history.

You “conservative Christian nikkas” don’t complain now :ufdup:

Y’all wanted Massa and his Christian teachings in control,
good luck.

KoonServatives when Obama uses withholding aid to

KoonServatives when Obama uses withholding aid to steer Uganda into not systematically oppressing their own LGBT ppl into law using Massa’s Christian framework:

Obama foul, this that “agenda”. They’d never do that to Muslim Arabs :mjcry:

KoonServatives when Uganda uses the law to systematically oppress their own by attacking LGBT Ugandans specifically using Massa’s Christian framework:

Yes, this is it :blessed:

KoonServatives when White AmeriKKKa uses the law and Christian framework to enforce Christianity and recreate conditions that hits Black ppl specifically:

Judeo-Christian authoritarian law in full effect. Don’t cry now
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May 3, 2012
Anti christian bias...In america :huh:

are we in the twilight zone? our fukking money says "In god we trust" :dead:
“In God we trust” on money is not what that means :mjlol:

AmeriKKKa was always a white Christian ruled nation, hence the forced conversion of enslaved Africans and Indigenous ppl since its inception.

Since then it marketed itself as a secular nation for PR.

But AmeriKKKa was always a nation under white Christian rule,
hence the power the Church has always had in US politics.

Now that the mask is fully off bc there’s no need to pretend anymore. Trump is talking about enforcing Christian law, turning AmeriKKKa into a Theocracy, as Christianity benefits White Supremacy by design.
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May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency

Uganda should just impose its violent Christian laws freely, remember? :sas1:

The Middle East should just impose its violent Muslim laws freely, remember? :sas1:

Judeo-Christian fascist AmeriKKKa imposing its violent Christian laws ain’t no problem now that Abrahamic law hits home, right? :sas2:
Judeo-Christian authoritarian law in full effect. Don’t cry now

Please, show who made statements in a manner about the issues in those areas across seas. I remember people stating it is their country, and so it is none of our business to interfer. That is what I remember the statements being.

Also, no matter which side of the isle the people are on here about what was going on overseas, it had no effect on what is happening here. This is the US, our domestic issues are not affected by the domestic issues in the Arab Middle East or Christian Uganda.


Jul 25, 2018
Coli nikkas wanted a fascist white Christian government that hates diversity and inclusion to run their lives because their concern for black power in America takes a backseat to their inability to go a day without thinking about the daily lives of transgendered women.

So here we are. Lives now ruled over Peggy Sue, Elon Musk and a whole battalion of good Christian white nationalists that want to "change the government." We lost.


May 3, 2012
I suggest everyone read this - just so that we know what coming

Coli nikkas wanted a fascist white Christian government that hates diversity and inclusion to run their lives because their concern for black power in America takes a backseat to their inability to go a day without thinking about the daily lives of transgendered women.

So here we are. Lives now ruled over Peggy Sue, Elon Musk and a whole battalion of good Christian white nationalists that want to "change the government." We lost.
I predicted it all in detail and broke it down in real-time, but bigotry had nikkas in denial.

The reason why AmeriKKKa is so adamant about reinforcing Christianity on mass scale, is for its subjects to be more accepting
of White Supremacy through conservatism.

AmeriKKKa is a Christian nation pretending to be secular for PR.

The Far Right ruling class wants their subjects Christian and low educated, as it allows ppl to willingly descent into accepting authoritarianism.

In a 61% white nation where the ruling class is extremely racist white ppl, this means White Supremacist authoritarianism under the disguise and umbrella of Christianity.
(Modern reintroduction of old conditions:
colonialism & slavery)

True secularization by design leads to oppressive systems being removed, human rights like abortion and LGBT rights to get support.

Far Right White Supremacists know very well that to gain support for their White Supremacist agenda, they just gotta point at vulnerable rights of LGBT ppl, women and immigrants.

As Christianity has ingrained misogyny that covers support across the board for their attacks on women’s rights and LGBT rights.

And tapping into xenophobia covers them from blame across the board by sayin the old racist trope immigrants are taking your jobs.

This way they got the social and economic narrative on lock,
and they can freely continue to push white supremacist key players in position that get white supremacist laws passed.

Liberals are centrist, incorrectly labeled as Left-wing.

It will take bold Left-wing politics for Liberals to change structures.

The Far Right knows this, so they use Fear to slander any Left-wing politics by labeling it as Extremism and Agendas.
To protect and keep the public’s Centrist sentiment status quo as their opponent, as it favors their position.

Liberal voters that want Left-wing benefits, haven’t come to term with this being the reality of American politics. That’s why those ppl stay disappointed when “nothing changes” while that’s literally what Centrism (Liberals) is designed to do, protect the status quo.

Liberal voters can’t have Left-wing desires, but turn full-blown
Far Right when others benefit from those Left-wing politics too
and then complain about Liberals (Centrists) not doing anything.

When their inconsistency RIGHT THERE is the exact Centrism
they COMPLAIN about not changing the status quo they desire.

Lack of class consciousness is a big issue enabling the status quo.

The Black Panthers were Black radical Leftists.
So to see Black ppl that proudly indulge in Koonservatism,
praise them.. let’s me know they don’t know their politics and history.

• Destruction of resources that will affect low income Black families the most
• Laws that will oppress Black ppl across the board
• Erasure of Slavery in the educational curriculum
• Women’s Abortion rights being destroyed left and right
• LGBT rights being destroyed left and right
• No regulation of public health and environment
• Mandatory 10 commandments at school
• Genocide to expand US Imperialism

All in the name of “protecting the nuclear Black family”
“The Black Conservative’s Dream for Black America

“White Christian US Conservatism in BlackFace the way

Project 2025 is gonna put America back in the Dark Ages and the Black Diaspora on a global level will suffer the most,
as US Imperialism affects us all.

Former white enslavers would be PROUD of their housepet KOONS doing all the continued legwork to protect White Supremacy for their white descendants in modern times.


Tariq Nasheed: Project 2025 ain’t that bad y’all



Keep thinking playin around in politics is a game SMH
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