BREAKING: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia
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By Louise Mensch| 10:18 pm, November 7, 2016

  • Contrary to earlier reporting in the New York Times, which cited FBI sources as saying that the agency did not believe that the private server in Donald Trump’s Trump Tower which was connected to a Russian bank had any nefarious purpose, the FBI’s counter-intelligence arm, sources say, re-drew an earlier FISA court request around possible financial and banking offenses related to the server. The first request, which, sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server, possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to two banks; SVB Bank and Russia’s Alfa Bank. While the Times story speaks of metadata, sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons.

    The FBI agents who talked to the New York Times, and rubbished the ground-breaking stories of Slate ( Franklin Foer) and Mother Jones (David Korn) may not have known about the FISA warrant, sources say, because the counter-intelligence and criminal sides of the FBI often work independently of each other employing the principle of ‘compartmentalization’.

    The FISA warrant was granted in connection with the investigation of suspected activity between the server and two banks, SVB Bank and Alfa Bank. However, it is thought in the intelligence community that the warrant covers any ‘US person’ connected to this investigation, and thus covers Donald Trump and at least three further men who have either formed part of his campaign or acted as his media surrogates. The warrant was sought, they say, because actionable intelligence on the matter provided by friendly foreign agencies could not properly be examined without a warrant by US intelligence as it involves ‘US Persons’ who come under the remit of the FBI and not the CIA. Should a counter-intelligence investigation lead to criminal prosecutions, sources say, the Justice Department is concerned that the chain of evidence have a basis in a clear warrant.

    In June, when the first FISA warrant was denied, the FBI was reportedly alarmed at Carter Page’s trip to Moscow and meetings with Russian officials, one week before the DNC was hacked. Counter intelligence agencies later reported to both Presidential candidates that Russia had carried out this hack; Donald Trump said publicly in the third debate that ‘our country has no idea’ if Russia did the hacking. The discovery of the Trump Tower private Russian server, however, communicating with Alfa Bank, changed matters, sources report.

    To further complicate the story, the FISA warrant was allegedly granted in part because of the involvement of Vladimir Putin’s own daughters. One is married to a senior official at Gazprom, where Carter Page and Paul Manafort reportedly have holdings; another to Kirill Shamalov, a banking official.

    The fact that the alleged warrant was a FISA warrant is itself significant. The court exists to grant warrants to examine cases concerned with Foreign Intelligence.

    Pursuant to FISA, the Court entertains applications submitted by the United States Government for approval of electronic surveillance, physical search, and other investigative actions for foreign intelligence purposes. Most of the Court’s work is conducted ex parte as required by statute, and due to the need to protect classified national security information.

    Bradley P. Moss is a national security lawyer. He told us:

    If a FISA warrant was issued, it does not necessarily mean that the court considered any U.S. persons as literal ‘spies.’ I can imagine an argument having been made that there was probable cause to believe they were “agents of influence” who were unwittingly being influenced by a foreign power.

    If the operation concerns suspected money laundering involving a foreign government, the FISA warrant could theoretically encompass U.S. persons in that limited context. A FISA warrant is authorization to collect evidence, not to arrest.

    On October 9th, the Trump campaign released a large number of documents pointing out what they alleged were Hillary Clinton’s ties to Russia. On October 12th, rumors of a FISA warrant started to surface online. Donald Trump’s campaign had not answered requests for comment on the matter at time of going to press.


Nov 2, 2013
Seems like complete bullshyt. I have a hard time believing someone would leak the issuance of a FISA warrant because it really shouldn't be that hard to identify the source of the leak considering the secrecy of the court, especially given the details, such as the involvement of one of Putin's daughters. Why would you leak that if there's an active investigation involving Putin's daughter? That's insanity. You get a FISA warrant to surreptitiously conduct surveillance on foreign subjects or powers, not broadcast it to the fukking world, so the target can shut down and switch modes of communication. Also, for Trump to be considered under the limited scope of FISA for US persons, he'd have to be considered an agent of a foreign power. Given how dumb most of you think he is (and in many respects, he is), the best you can hope for is someone within his organization conducted illegal business without his knowledge or Manafort used him as an unwitting pawn.

If Donald Trump is an active agent of a foreign power doing the bidding of the Russian government, then he's Keyser Soze.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Seems like complete bullshyt. I have a hard time believing someone would leak the issuance of a FISA warrant because it really shouldn't be that hard to identify the source of the leak considering the secrecy of the court, especially given the details, such as the involvement of one of Putin's daughters. Why would you leak that if there's an active investigation involving Putin's daughter? That's insanity. You get a FISA warrant to surreptitiously conduct surveillance on foreign subjects or powers, not broadcast it to the fukking world, so the target can shut down and switch modes of communication. Also, for Trump to be considered under the limited scope of FISA for US persons, he'd have to be considered an agent of a foreign power. Given how dumb most of you think he is (and in many respects, he is), the best you can hope for is someone within his organization conducted illegal business without his knowledge or Manafort used him as an unwitting pawn.

If Donald Trump is an active agent of a foreign power doing the bidding of the Russian government, then he's Keyser Soze.
Paul Manafort? Carter Page? Mike Flynn? Michael Caputo?

The names go on and on.

Theres no shortage of actual potential Kremlin agents we're dealing with.

Want me to blow your fukking mind? Research "C/Konstantine Kilimnick"


Nov 2, 2013
Paul Manafort? Carter Page? Mike Flynn? Michael Caputo?

The names go on and on.

Theres no shortage of actual potential Kremlin agents we're dealing with.

Want me to blow your fukking mind? Research "C/Konstantine Kilimnick"

Are you familiar with FISA courts? Do you realize how secretive they are? It's not impossible to leak info, but one has to wonder why someone would not only take such personal risk when there's such a small circle that usually knows about these cases, but takes it a step further by actively naming targets in an ongoing investigation, which obstructs the investigation.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Are you familiar with FISA courts? Do you realize how secretive they are? It's not impossible to leak info, but one has to wonder why someone would not only take such personal risk when there's such a small circle that usually knows about these cases, but takes it a step further by actively naming targets in an ongoing investigation, which obstructs the investigation.
I know what the FISA court is and how it works.

But this, again, has been rumored for at least a month.

Follow journalists. They like to hint at things they get scoops on but because they can't get things on record, they like to dance around it. Its how they brag online. I have no reason to doubt this is the case. A lot of these people have been palling around with the enemy for TOO long and when the indictments drop, you'll just conveniently forget to thank me for consistently being ahead of the curve.

Just like GOP strategist Rick Wilson hinting at Trump's Russian/FSB sextape and abortion payments

FAMOUS GOP Strategist confirms Russian blackmail sextape w/Trump & he paid for abortion(s)


Nov 2, 2013
I know what the FISA court is and how it works.

But this, again, has been rumored for at least a month.

Follow journalists. They like to hint at things they get scoops on but because they can't get things on record, they like to dance around it. Its how they brag online. I have no reason to doubt this is the case. A lot of these people have been palling around with the enemy for TOO long and when the indictments drop, you'll just conveniently forget to thank me for consistently being ahead of the curve.

Just like GOP strategist Rick Wilson hinting at Trump's Russian/FSB sextape and abortion payments

FAMOUS GOP Strategist confirms Russian blackmail sextape w/Trump & he paid for abortion(s)

What journalists like to do is quote unnamed sources and pepper stories with enough truths to make the wild innuendo seem believable in order to push papers, while not publishing anything verifiably false, so as to avoid libel suits. They know news cycles are now 24/7 and they'll rarely be held accountable for complete and utter bullshyt. I don't believe anything will directly tie back to Trump, but if you're right, you're right.


But again though... address what I've said. You don't find it strange that the gritty details of the case would be put out there by a source who could presumably be traced due to the limited nature of who knows what with FISA? Someone putting out names of targets that could jeopardize an investigation?

You see nothing wrong with that?


Why in the fukk would you tell details of a FISA case?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
What journalists like to do is quote unnamed sources and pepper stories with enough truths to make the wild innuendo seem believable in order to push papers, while not publishing anything verifiably false, so as to avoid libel suits. They know news cycles are now 24/7 and they'll rarely be held accountable for complete and utter bullshyt. I don't believe anything will directly tie back to Trump, but if you're right, you're right.


But again though... address what I've said. You don't find it strange that the gritty details of the case would be put out there by a source who could presumably be traced due to the limited nature of who knows what with FISA? Someone putting out names of targets that could jeopardize an investigation?

You see nothing wrong with that?


Why in the fukk would you tell details of a FISA case?
Again, you'll notice a lot of shyt has been getting shopped around.

Remember that thread I posted about the Russian bank server? That set off a series of events cause dozens of high profile outlets were pursuing that story

OCTOBER SURPRISE B!TCHES! "Trump has a secret email server to communicate with a Russian bank."

Theres serious links here and the US government won't let that shyt slide.

This has the hallmarks of blatant intelligence operations.


Nov 2, 2013
Again, you'll notice a lot of shyt has been getting shopped around.

Remember that thread I posted about the Russian bank server? That set off a series of events cause dozens of high profile outlets were pursuing that story

OCTOBER SURPRISE B!TCHES! "Trump has a secret email server to communicate with a Russian bank."

Theres serious links here and the US government won't let that shyt slide.

This has the hallmarks of blatant intelligence operations.

You're avoiding what I'm saying. They go to great lengths to keep these courts secret. This wouldn't be some standard FBI investigation where any number of tens of thousands of employees could go into a database to read some of the filings. They have procedures to store this information separately and limit who sees materials, including the inability to take notes and supervision while seeing materials.

Again - it strikes me as very fishy that someone would willingly leak this to the press when limited people are in the know and then go a step further by naming targets in the investigation. That's just bad tradecraft. If I'm anybody mentioned in this article or an associate of someone in this article, I've given my devices the Clinton treatment. They've all been wiped, destroyed and replaced.

If there was an actual FISA warranted approved, the leaker has done a huge disservice to the investigation.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You're avoiding what I'm saying. They go to great lengths to keep these courts secret. This wouldn't be some standard FBI investigation where any number of tens of thousands of employees could go into a database to read some of the filings. They have procedures to store this information separately and limit who sees materials, including the inability to take notes and supervision while seeing materials.

Again - it strikes me as very fishy that someone would willingly leak this to the press when limited people are in the know and then go a step further by naming targets in the investigation. That's just bad tradecraft. If I'm anybody mentioned in this article or an associate of someone in this article, I've given my devices the Clinton treatment. They've all been wiped, destroyed and replaced.

If there was an actual FISA warranted approved, the leaker has done a huge disservice to the investigation.
That doesn't hold up because frankly, Trump is a huge name. You've probably never heard of FISA court findings against other people cause essentially they'd always be for secret investigations against threats or targets.