#BothSides Comprehensive black agenda anticipation thread#AgendaWatch2023/2024

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Aug 2023
So you dont want and dont care about a black agenda,dually noted. Guess asking why Democrats dont have one is a shallow and dumb question. Your 100% right,it is a dumb question to still be asking in 2023,we already know the answer. But maybe we will be suprised,wont be holding my breath:respect:

Sept 2023

@Wild self said I could be arrested if I encourage you not to vote. So to be clear Im not encouraging you not to vote. Im just saying,the optics of this aint good when you screaming "vote harder". This comprehensive black agenda better be one for the ages. Im sure it will be on the table soon,weve been asking for months:respect:

Nov 2023
Shouldnt his ass be working on a comprehensive black agenda? Or is he no longer in the inner circle:gucci:? Clock is ticking and weve been asking about it for months. The way the democrats got us waiting,this agenda must be a mile long with tangibles#PatienceIsAVirtue

Jan 2024

And oh yeah,the #CornellOrNothing rollout is still pending. Weve been trying to wait on the democrats to finish with their black specefic agenda,quadruple platinum plus plan. You got about 90 days,then we may have to move on,weve been very patient to say the least:respect:

May 2024

If you think hes bluffing,why dont one of you
take him up on the ban bet:sas2:?

Let this be a teachable moment,this is the power of the bluff:wow:. Black people may or may not be bluffing about withholding our vote. Will the democrats continue to dare us or do the right thing? Right now I sense the uneasiness,so we should expect a specefic/comprehensive black agenda any day now:sas1:

I lied,i was holding my breath.
And theyve been listening,They heard you,theyve been taking notes,theyve been working diligintly according to my sources. We are just months away and weve seen nothing so far. This is actually a good sign they must be holding on to some last minute nuke thats going to energize black voters and get us to the polls. Good things come to those who wait:respect:
