"After 1890, the white Democrats used a variety of tactics to reduce voting by African Americans and poor whites.[24] The rise of primaries in the electoral system allowed for the 15th Amendment to be circumvented using a white primary. Winning the Democratic primary was tantamount to winning the election during the period of the solid south.[25] From 1890 to 1908, the white Democratic legislatures in every Southern state enacted new constitutions or amendments with provisions to disenfranchise most blacks[26] and tens of thousands of poor whites. Provisions required payment of poll taxes, complicated residency, literacy tests and other requirements which were subjectively applied against blacks. As blacks lost their vote, the Republican Party lost its ability to effectively compete in the South."
Did you know disenfranchisment by the Democrats ,actually helped lead the Republicans to adopting "The Southern Strategy"? Because they were so tired of getting their ass kicked by the Democrats in the south
Republicans once had black leaders at the forefront of the party. Were once so popular with blacks that democrats had to disenfranchize them. But then Republicans started losing,losing bad,over and over. Over time Democrats eventually shifted and became the new chosen party for black folks. Republicans,remembering history realized that many whites would be turned off by black inclusion,and blacks being given rights in the south. So they adopted the southern strategy and begin to regain power.
Am i saying all this to say #BothSides? No actually,im saying all this so you can watch closely
How long do you think it will be before Democrats decide to #SwitchSides. I already see Democrats(even black ones) ranting about how the next nominee "Has to be a straight white man so WE can win
". We already saw how they tried to leave us for dead ,like Frank did Tony Montanna in favor of latinos in 2020. Its simply the Republicans turn to be overtly racist to attract whites. But I guess we will see,how fast will the Dems drop yall off now that Dems see racism is a winning strategy again