You can't be a tea bagger and win a national election
You can't really be a moderate republican and then go back to being a conservative when it is convenient (ahem Romney)
Right now, the way to go is to be a semi Moderate Republican to win a national election as the republican candidate for president and stick with it from the beginning.
Jindal, Marco Rubio, Christie, Paul Ryan and Rand Paul will be an interesting GOP Primary Race.
Those old heads this primary were boring and
(Except Ron Paul
). All the rest were disasters (really Herman Cain and Michelle Bachman, Rick George W2 Perry, Mitt The Chameleon Romney and Rick the conservative of the conservatives Santorum with his stupid sweater vests
is the best they could put out)
The GOP needs some young blood in it.
Good thing for the GOP is they will emerge in 2016 to avoid the same mistakes Romney made and Avoid running into that Obama Machine.
(no one is fuking with that
Next election they could very well take the white house,
Democrats, I am not really enthusiatic about anyone out of that pool who could make a run in 2016.