possible watch
very much a take on "flying out" culture, Epstein, Puff type of shyt. That other guy who had the Bahamas island. Nygard.
looks so overly done, the sets too glossy, the camera work too bright, the acting too broad. The preview too long. The solution too obvious.
None of the quiet menace or ambiguity that could anchor a movie like this. The tension is in the unknown. The suspense is the not knowing whether your benefactor is really a crazed killer or whatever, or just your normal weirdo hedge fund manager. The way Get Out's premise is all about the distance between being a goofy "complacent liberal" or an actual slave owner.
but thats kind of a signature of many movies in the last 10 years. Read Wesley Morris piece this morning about 1999, and think about if this movie was in 1999, it would be like 8MM mixed with The Sixth Sense