- testing for BB10 starts next month
-BB10 now has right angle notifications system they call it Peek ( doesnt look half bad)
- Peek swipe in any app, from any screen and it'll drop you straight into the BlackBerry Hub where you can see all your Tweets, messages and notifications in one place
- new calendar
- BBM new UI ,Photos in your contacts list here,emoticons are integrated into BBM.
- prediction engine in the keyboard can easily switch between languages keyboard can understand which language you are trying to type in, and offer predictions accordingly.
- BB10 "Balance" Balance gives BB10 users two profiles. One fully secured work environment, and one for personal use. Switching is just a single swipe down from the top, and tapping the appropriate profile button.
- the two profiles are totally separate -- there are corporate and personal app worlds
- IT can manage your work data, including perform a remote wipe, and your personal environment is unaffected