Black women are the greatest women to work with


Apr 23, 2013
In my experience hands down. Their's a lot of negative myths, misconceptions, and straight up bullshyt about working with black women but that simply is not true. I find black women to be the easiest coworkers (especially if they are single parents) to get along with because they are about their money first and don't have time for the shenanigans in general but quite a few insecure people take this as a "attitude" problem or stuck up. If people really understood with all the crap they deal with on a daily basis, they'd understand the bullshyt they have to deal with on a daily basis which is why they may come off cold initial.

For example, I remember when I worked in housekeeping at a hotel and met my beautiful of a black goddess coworker named India. I greeted her jubilantly, and extended my hand out saying my name is "4north1side2, you belong at the front desk." She's visibly pissed off and just replies "shouldn't I" and walked off. I'm like damn whatever bytch.

The next day I trained her and we started talking, she became comfortable and opened up to me. She applied for the front desk but this hotel only wanted white chicks at the front desk unless you were working the overnight shift, she took the job reluctantly because she needed money to pay off her mounting college debt. Then the guy who initial trained her did a horrible job at it and they got into a argument before we met.

We became really good work buddies after that day and looked out for each other. Again she is a goddess so numerous dudes are getting at her daily. There was a clear difference how guys reacted when she brushed them off vs when white girls brushed them off at work. She instantly became known as a stuck up bytch around work all because she wouldn't entertain the foolishness and advances because she rather focus on her paycheck and graduating college.

But when the white girls brushed them off, none of the animosity was there. Instead, guys took it as hard to get because white girls can't just straight up say not interested, they liked to smile and laugh unnecessary at the guys jokes and lead them on with ill think about it and maybes until they muster up the courage taking the guy to HR for harassment. Even after HR visits, still no bad mouthing of the white females.

She was a exemplary employee and always did her job to the T. She's now a accountant for some law firm.

One of my greatest jobs ever was working at a small hotel where the GM was this young attractive 30 year old black women, the assistant GM was the GM's aunt, and the front desk manager was this black dude appointed by both GM's. My only job where the leadership and work force was overall black. We had the greatest of times and everyone got along well except for these 2 jealous ass white bytches.who alienated themselves.

Sadly it came to a end because of these 2 flabby and disgusting white bytches who were mad envious and jealous of the GM because of their white superiority complex. Smiling in her face all the time but bad mouthing her like crazy behind her back. They felt like they should be in charge simply because of the color of their skin. It really ate them up to see this black woman in charge doing whatever she pleased whenever.

I was cool with one of the white chicks until she did some fukked snake shyt. The GM had a pool party on a really slow day in the fall when the hotel was occupied by less then 8 guests but the sloppy white bytch was so peeved that the GM's friends and family were all in the pool. She said it wasn't right and I said who fukking cares, just sit down and collect your paycheck for not doing anything today.

A month later, the fat white bytch mad a confession to me on some don't tell nobody. She said she called her mom and told her mom what was going on that day with the pool party. Her mom said how about I'll pretend to be a guest and call corporate to complain. Her mom calls talking about I'm a platinum member at your property, I wanted to go swimming with my kids but the pool was full of these scary people that we didn't swim. Ashley (the jealous white bytch) at the front desk told me to call and complain.

Corporate calls the white bytch about it and she says, you guys need to come down here, your hotel is not being run properly and we should have a sit down about it. Some corporate director comes down along with HR and take her to lunch so she sings like a bird about all the things the GM does.

Nothing came out of it. This GM always treated everyone right and never really gave us shyt on what she should of been. I told her I was straight up repulsed and disgusted with her actions, ice cold ignored her like she never existed from that day forward. I told the GM what she told me and she just said, I know, we are working on getting that bytch out of here :smile:

Anyway sorry for rambling, who's the best and worst type of people you've worked with?