When one typically thinks of ‘Space opera’ they think of western-derived works such as Star Wars or Star Trek. What will Yohancé bring to the genre that is currently missing?
Yohancé will not only cross the barrier of ethnic diversity but will hopefully bring something fresh to the genre in both story and design. One of the unique things about Space Opera versus other types of Sc-Fi is the fact that spaceships and laser battles are merely a backdrop for geopolitical, mythological, and romantic themes. Ironically that’s what makes Star Wars so legendary because it’s not just a War amongst the Stars. That human elementtranscends generations and cultures. The thing with Yohancé is that will now come from Africa. The character arcs and mythology are inspired by African epics such as Sundiata Keita and Shaka Zulu that coincide with major Geo-Political events in African History. By building the characters first then letting the theatre of Intergalactic Conflict frame and influence their decisions, you get a very intricate story.
What authors or artists should we look to when it comes to expanding our horizons when it comes to African science fiction and fantasy?
I’ll be honest, there are only a few in my opinion that take the time to create something unique. Grey Williamson, who’s been in the business much longer than I have, recently launched his first self-published series, Val-Mar Prince of the Damned. I think the first book is stylistically perfect coupling amazing art with an intriguing story. Frankly both him and Ashley Woods from the Niobe Series are the two main Black artists to be looking at right now. Then of course there’s the legendary Brian Stelfreeze over at Marvel who is going to rock the Comic industry with the new Black Panther series in 2016. As far as writers, I have yet to read any stories that captivate me but I’m hopeful.
You can follow along with Jean and Yohancéover on Facebook. Yohancé is expected to be released in March, 2016