From Charles Blow's "The Black Power Manifesto":
We gotta start working better
Considered another way, 44 percent of Black people in America now live outside the South. However, hypothetically speaking, if just half of them moved back south and were strategically arrayed, it would be enough to make Black people the largest racial group in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, a contiguous band of Black power that would upend America’s political calculus and exponentially increase Black political influence.
Furthermore, if the Great Migration hadn’t taken place, Black people could control or form the majority influence for as many as ninety Electoral College votes, more than California and New York State combined.
View this plan for Black power in the context of the current landscape of white power. White people have constituted a majority of the population in every state but Hawaii for the last ninety years. Eight states—Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming, and Iowa—are over 90 percent white and control one out of every six senate seats in America. The Black population is four times the population of those eight states combined but controls no senate seats.
Furthermore, if the Great Migration hadn’t taken place, Black people could control or form the majority influence for as many as ninety Electoral College votes, more than California and New York State combined.
View this plan for Black power in the context of the current landscape of white power. White people have constituted a majority of the population in every state but Hawaii for the last ninety years. Eight states—Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming, and Iowa—are over 90 percent white and control one out of every six senate seats in America. The Black population is four times the population of those eight states combined but controls no senate seats.
We gotta start working better