Peter Parker
I mean to other cultures, ways of thinking, lifestyles, kinds of food, music, movies, all that shyt. Not saying we're all ignorant and trapped in the bubble of black culture but I think that's one of the biggest problems I have with our community today and in the previous generation. There's kind of a fear within our community to try new things because its "weird" and it's not cool, and I personally feel like it cripples us. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've been labeled weird or lame for liking certain things that are outside of the norm for the "black community", being stuck in our ways is one of the biggest things that hold us back.
The best thing about my generation(90s kids) is that, the perception of new things in our community is drastically changing, new ways of thinking, new lifestyles, new religions and even old traditions are being brought to the forefront and embraced but I think for this all to work we need some of the older folk to begin to change and raise their children to change.
I'm not saying abandon your blackness and assimilate, I'm saying consider other things in addition to your blackness. Blackness doesn't have to be a singular hivemind of thoughts, its what you are and our past and traditions can't be abandoned even if you want too, just maybe consider other things.
I know I'll get negged to hell for this but just something I was thinking about
The best thing about my generation(90s kids) is that, the perception of new things in our community is drastically changing, new ways of thinking, new lifestyles, new religions and even old traditions are being brought to the forefront and embraced but I think for this all to work we need some of the older folk to begin to change and raise their children to change.
I'm not saying abandon your blackness and assimilate, I'm saying consider other things in addition to your blackness. Blackness doesn't have to be a singular hivemind of thoughts, its what you are and our past and traditions can't be abandoned even if you want too, just maybe consider other things.
I know I'll get negged to hell for this but just something I was thinking about